An incinerator to destroy narcotics seized in various detections was declared open yesterday in Wanathavilluwa, Puttalam. The facility has been set up in a land used by Zaharan Hashim, leader of the suicide bomber group involved in the 2019 Easter Sunday attacks, to hide explosives and carry out training missions. Public Security Minister Tiran Alles [...]


Incinerator to destroy narcotics declared open


An incinerator to destroy narcotics seized in various detections was declared open yesterday in Wanathavilluwa, Puttalam.

The facility has been set up in a land used by Zaharan Hashim, leader of the suicide bomber group involved in the 2019 Easter Sunday attacks, to hide explosives and carry out training missions.

Public Security Minister Tiran Alles and Inspector General of Police Deshabandu Tennakoon took part in the opening of the facility.

The first haul of narcotics to be destroyed was 279.5 kg of heroin that was detected following the arrest of seven Pakistani nationals. The case against them was concluded recently.


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