FMSSL initiates training programme for flag marshals, following Fox Hill debacle

Shane Gunawarden
The Federation of Motorcycle Sports in Sri Lanka (FMSSL) has initiated a training programme for motorsport marshals in Sri Lanka, following the recent tragedy that took place at the Fox Hill Super Cross 2024 in Diyatalawa, where eight individuals were killed and over 20 were injured. Former riding champion, Shane Gunawardena, under whose leadership the FMSSL functions at present, has officially written to their international governing body, the Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM) on this development, as motorsports in Sri Lanka has come to a total standstill following the incident.
“It was unfortunate that a car accident occurred on the circuit, resulting in the tragic deaths of four officials and three spectators. As we mourn the loss of these individuals, we have decided to postpone all upcoming events in the country until July, pending the outcome of the ongoing investigation by the car federation,” the letter FMSSL sent to FIM stated.
Gunawardena has updated Damiano Zamana, the Deputy CEO and Operations Manager of FIM upon the news received wide publicity globally, where casualties and fatalities were high for a recent motorsport event reported from anywhere in the world. The FMSSL has stated that it has postponed all upcoming events in Sri Lanka until July, pending the outcome of investigations.
“While the incident has disrupted our planned activities, we intend to utilise this period to address a crucial issue within our association clubs, as we recognise that the lack of trained marshals in our country has contributed to this unfortunate incident. Therefore, we have arranged a marshal training programme, in collaboration with Sujith Kumar and the trainers who conducted the marshal training for the Indian Supercross League, to come down from India and conduct training before we commence racing in Sri Lanka,” the letter signed by Gunawardena, added.
Gunawardena went on to indorse the fact that the dust factor was the real cause that contributed to the debacle on April 21, in addition to issues of marshalling. Had the race officials acted promptly, following early indications, Gunawardena stated that ‘this would have easily been a preventable incident’.
With the intention of educating local race officials, the FMSSL has written to its global counterparts as well as regional associates to help them by sending trainers to Sri Lanka to conduct a programme.
“It’s very expensive to get down from an experienced official from FIM. Gladly India offered to help us, and Sujith Kumar, a renowned trainer, and few other trainers who conducted the marshal training for the Indian Supercross League said they are willing to come and help us, free of charge. But we will have to provide them with air tickets, accommodation and inbound transpostation,” he added.
Gunawardena, who became the first competitor to claim the ‘Fastest Fox’ at the inaugural Fox Hill Super Cross in 1993, went on to say that the motorcycling fraternity was haunted following the death of veteran rider Ananda Wedisinghe.
“Wedisinghe’s death was one caused due to pure negligence. It’s really hard to see this happening again. All what we (FMSSL) want is try to prevent this from happening again. This is an initiative totally from the heart to the local motorsport fraternity”.
The FMSSL has tentatively reserved July 5 as the training day for marshals, where the final list of trainers with experience from prestigious events such as MotoGP and Formula 1 to impart their expertise to members of clubs, associations, and passionate volunteers, will be finalised. Following the tentative day reserved, FMSSL intends to hold its postponed Drag Race, in the presence of international trainers, who will be able to witness the participants of the training programme putting into act what they were taught.