Miami, United States, AFP: The former president of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), Canadian Dick Pound, launched a fierce attack on the United States anti-doping body USADA on Friday, accusing them of ‘lies and distortions’ and seeking to undermine WADA. Pound’s comments came during an extraordinary meeting of the WADA Foundation Board, held online, to [...]


WADA founder Pound ‘disgusted’ by USADA ‘lies’


Miami, United States, AFP: The former president of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), Canadian Dick Pound, launched a fierce attack on the United States anti-doping body USADA on Friday, accusing them of ‘lies and distortions’ and seeking to undermine WADA.

Pound’s comments came during an extraordinary meeting of the WADA Foundation Board, held online, to discuss the fall-out from the case of 23 Chinese swimmers who tested positive for a prescription heart drug. WADA came under fire in April after it was revealed that the Chinese swimmers tested positive for trimetazidine — which can enhance performance — ahead of the Tokyo Olympics in 2021.

The swimmers were not suspended or sanctioned after WADA accepted the explanation of Chinese authorities that the results were caused by food contamination at a hotel where they had stayed. The head of USADA, Travis Tygart, has called the situation a ‘potential cover-up’ with the positive tests never made public at the time.

“On behalf of WADA, I am deeply disappointed and disgusted by the deliberate lies and distortions coming from USADA, including that WADA has swept doping cases in China under the rug,” said Pound, a lawyer who was the first president of WADA but retired at the end of 2020.

“That accusation, bereft of any truth, has but a single purpose, to deliberately damage the reputation of WADA and to lessen the worldwide trust that has been built up since WADA was created a quarter of a century ago to head up the international fight against doping in sport”.

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