The Education Ministry has detailed guidelines on implementing the proposals to admit students to the GCE (A/L) classes before the release of the recently concluded O/L examination results. The Ministry has explained that the objective of the scheme was to ensure that the continuity of education is maintained, minimising the dropouts of student between resuming [...]


A/Level classes to begin June 4 to ensure no school drop-outs


The Education Ministry has detailed guidelines on implementing the proposals to admit students to the GCE (A/L) classes before the release of the recently concluded O/L examination results.

The Ministry has explained that the objective of the scheme was to ensure that the continuity of education is maintained, minimising the dropouts of student between resuming A/L classes after completing the O/L classes.

The circular noted that they have noticed a tendency of students dropping out in the absence of education options. The Ministry also said that it gives the opportunity to complete the syllabuses in the A/L classes.

The Ministry has emphasised that the entry into A/L classes will be on a temporary basis and the stream of education could be adjusted.

According to Ministry instructions, Education authorities should take measures to accommodate students to cluster schools in the event the relevant stream such as Science or technology section classes are not available in the existing school of the student.

School authorities should ensure that adequate facilities are available to the students, and if not, should inform the authorities.

Students should not be required to follow the uniform of the new school in the event of a change and also should not be required to pay school fees.

The students have been requested to discuss with the Principals and select the subjects for A/L and in the event of an issue they could consider the grading gained before sitting the O/L Examination.

The A/L classes for the students should commence on June 4, the Ministry said. (DWI)

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