The global fight against dengue fever has received a significant boost from the research efforts at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura (USJ). Professor Neelika Malavige, a leading researcher at USJ, is featured in a recent article on Think Global Health, highlighting the critical role Sri Lanka and USJ play in tackling this climate-sensitive disease. The [...]


Dengue research efforts of Professor Neelika Malavige, USJ feature in global publication


The global fight against dengue fever has received a significant boost from the research efforts at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura (USJ).

Professor Neelika Malavige, a leading researcher at USJ, is featured in a recent article on Think Global Health, highlighting the critical role Sri Lanka and USJ play in tackling this climate-sensitive disease.

The article emphasises Sri Lanka’s extensive experience managing dengue outbreaks. Professor Malavige’s 21 years of clinical research experience at USJ showcase Sri Lanka’s commitment to combating this disease.

Professor Malavige leads a team at USJ collaborating with the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (IDH Hospital) in Colombo. Despite limited funding, their research has identified potential factors contributing to dengue’s severity and translated these findings into clinical trials, the University said.

The research at USJ prioritises developing treatments for early intervention to prevent severe dengue cases. Additionally, they aim to create reliable and affordable point-of-care diagnostics for faster and easier patient identification.

Professor Malavige urges global leaders to prioritise research funding for neglected diseases like dengue. This funding gap hinders our understanding of how dengue impacts the body compared to more well-funded diseases like Covid-19.

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