The annual Feast of Pentecost was celebrated as a rally by members of the Kithu Dana Pubuduwa, from 6 pm on May 11 to 6 am May 12 at the Sri Prasansaramaya in Walpola, Ragama. On the 9 days before the rally novenas were held on different themes related to the main theme of ‘Behold, [...]

Sunday Times 2

Kithu Dana Pubuduwa celebrates Pentecost with all-night service


The annual Feast of Pentecost was celebrated as a rally by members of the Kithu Dana Pubuduwa, from 6 pm on May 11 to 6 am May 12 at the Sri Prasansaramaya in Walpola, Ragama.

On the 9 days before the rally novenas were held on different themes related to the main theme of ‘Behold, the Womb that bore the Son of God’. About 13,000 participated, while thousands of others watched it online from Sri Lankan and countries including Italy and Israel where the Kithu Dana Pubuduwa conducts renewal programmes.

At the rally, participants were greeted by the playing of raban which uplifted their spirits. The Pubuduwa choir and instrumentalists supported them. Messages were given in all three languages.

Following the introduction, hewisi drummers and dancers added colour to the proceedings. This was followed by one of the main segments which was a time of praise and worship lasting two hours.

The programme flowed meaningfully with dances, a Tamil language speech, and a recording of a speech of the Pubuduwa  founder, the late Rev Fr Siri Oscar Abayaratne.

The next significant item was the ‘Theme Talk’ which was attentively listened to by all.

The annual theme hymn was sung in Sinhala and Tamil.

The ‘Great Ceremony of Light’, the blessed flame from the Easter candle was distributed from candle to candle till everyone present was holding a lighted candle, uniting once more in common prayer and praise.

The day concluded with the Holy Mass being concelebrated by all the priests who had come.

The celebration came to a close with a celebratory song and dance and a Great Amen by all present.


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