The Government of India has launched BIMReN (BIMSTEC-India Marine Research Network), a joint-initiative of MEA and the Bay of Bengal Programme-Inter Governmental Organization (BOBP-IGO), to facilitate sustainable development of blue economy by networking researchers and research institutions in BIMSTEC countries. BIMReN aims to enable PhD students from BIMSTEC countries to conduct doctoral research in India [...]


BIMReN provides doctoral research opportunities and grants


The Government of India has launched BIMReN (BIMSTEC-India Marine Research Network), a joint-initiative of MEA and the Bay of Bengal Programme-Inter Governmental Organization (BOBP-IGO), to facilitate sustainable development of blue economy by networking researchers and research institutions in BIMSTEC countries.

BIMReN aims to enable PhD students from BIMSTEC countries to conduct doctoral research in India and facilitate collaborative research among scientists/academics from BIMSTEC countries through:

BIMReN Split-Site Doctoral Fellowships, which offer doctoral candidates in BIMSTEC member countries a Research Grant of upto INR1 million and the opportunity to pursue studies at Indian research labs for 6-12 months.

Twinning Research Projects, aimed at facilitating collaborations between institutions and individuals from BIMSTEC member countries, to work together on research programmes of regional interest, with an associated grant of up to INR5 million per project of tenure of 24 months.

Researchers and academic institutions engaged in research in fisheries, marine or ocean sciences from across the BIMSTEC region would stand to benefit from the programme. Call for the first round of entries is open until June 30.

Detailed information, including features of the programme and guidelines for application can be found at:

For any clarifications, the following nodal point may be contacted: Dr P Krishnan, Director, Bay of Bengal Programme – Inter Governmental Organisation, Email:, Telephone: +91 44 42040024.

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