Education Minister Dr Susil Premajayantha has emphasised the importance of primary grade children participating in more extracurricular and co-curricular activities than academics. Minister Premajayantha said that children who participate in extracurricular activities can develop balanced personalities. In future, there would be fewer exams for primary grade students and more focus on study materials linked to [...]


More activities, less tests for primary class students: Minister


Education Minister Dr Susil Premajayantha has emphasised the importance of primary grade children participating in more extracurricular and co-curricular activities than academics.

Minister Premajayantha said that children who participate in extracurricular activities can develop balanced personalities.

In future, there would be fewer exams for primary grade students and more focus on study materials linked to in-class practical tasks.

Updating Sri Lanka’s educational system would also involve considering global patterns in the context of contemporary matters including climate change, cutting-edge technology, and raising morally upright pupils, he said.

Minister Premajayantha made these remarks at the under 15 and under 17 cricket tournament award ceremony organised by the Sri Lanka School Cricket Association at the Nelum Pokuna Theatre on Thursday (30) with the Sri Lanka Cricket Institute.

The Minister said Rs1,000 million is allocated for cricket promotion among school students, to be used for school stadiums and playgrounds. (NA)

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