The government has ordered all ministries and provincial and local council administrators to complete within two months all development projects for which a special allocation of Rs 12 billion has been made. The directive has been sent by the Finance Ministry following reports that some of the officials had failed to extend support to implement  [...]


Govt orders completion of projects within two months


The government has ordered all ministries and provincial and local council administrators to complete within two months all development projects for which a special allocation of Rs 12 billion has been made.

The directive has been sent by the Finance Ministry following reports that some of the officials had failed to extend support to implement  the development projects.

Accordingly, senior officials of the respective institutions have been informed to identify officials who have failed to perform and replace them by assigning another official to implement the project.

Disciplinary action will be initiated against those who fail to fulfil their tasks, a senior official said.

The Sunday Times learns that some of the officials have pointed out that, in view of the upcoming elections, they are not getting involved in the implementation of the projects.

The funds were allocated for urgent development activities in the nine provinces, as the allocation of money had been delayed in the past few years. The largest allocation of Rs 1.2 billion has been made to the Colombo district, followed by Kurunegala district (Rs 906 million), Gampaha district (Rs 867 million), and Kandy district (Rs 739 million).

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