Text and Pix by Padma Kumari kankanamge and Hiran Priyankara Jayasinghe The tourism industry in north western coastal areas have been affected by the adverse weather conditions. Guest houses and hotels in coastal areas Iranawila, Kalpitiya, Chillaw,Wennappuwa and Puttalam areas have been affected. Some residents are seeking refuge at their relatives’ places as their houses [...]


Tourist spots battle sea


Text and Pix by Padma Kumari kankanamge and Hiran Priyankara Jayasinghe

The tourism industry in north western coastal areas have been affected by the adverse weather conditions.

Guest houses and hotels in coastal areas Iranawila, Kalpitiya, Chillaw,Wennappuwa and Puttalam areas have been affected.

Some residents are seeking refuge at their relatives’ places as their houses were affected by sea erosion.

The residents at Kandakuliya, Kalpitiya asked authorities to take swift action to reduce the damage caused by sea erosion.

They lamented that the once pristine beaches which were considered a tourist attraction had been subjected to erosion, aggravated as a result of the adverse weather situation in the past week.

Meanwhile fishermen, too, expressed concern over the erosion as three fishing ports have been affected. St Sebastian fishing port, Semuthu fishing port and Samithi padu were identified as affected.

A resident, and secretary of the Kalpitiya Tourist Association, Sugath Emanuwel said that annually
the beaches in Kalpitiya, Kudawa and surrounding beach area which attracts tourists are subject to erosion.

“Already around a half an acre area of my tourist lodging was washed to sea.

“There are around 10 hoteliers facing the same issue,” he said.

He added that investors purchase lands in coastal areas for higher prices, therefore the persons involved in the tourism industry have been affected.

The officer in charge of Kalpitiya Coast Conservation Authority, Mohamed Nalim
said the erosion occurs only during one period within the year, and they have provided a solution for the issue by providing gunny bags filled with sand to create a protective barrier.

However residents explained that the sand barrier is a failed temporary measure and called on the Government to erect a permanent barrier by setting up a stone barrier.

Meanwhile, Puttalam District Secretary H M S P Herath admitted that many coastal areas in the district had been subjected to serious sea erosion.

He added the stone wave breakers in some areas have been damaged.

Mr Herath pointed out that they require a large amount of money to lay stone wave breakers. Therefore they are currently discussing with relevant authorities what can be done to solve the issue.

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