Business Times

A chocolate delight!

A chocolate delight!

A Sri Lankan chef carves out an intricate design using chocolate during a culinary food competition at the Culinary Art Food Expo which opened at…

Litro Gas restructuring : Eight bidders selected

In the state-owned Litro Gas restructuring, eight bidders have been selected by the State-Owned Enterprises Restructuring Unit (SRU), from the 14 who had submitted proposals,…

SriLankan Airlines divestiture moves to next stage; bids from 3 firms

The long delayed SriLankan Airlines divestiture is nearing the tender process of selecting a prospective acquirer with the bid submission deadline extended to August from…

Sunday Times E-Paper


Modi’s return and Lanka’s India policy

What was branded as the ‘Festival of Democracy’ with 642 million voters peacefully electing a government of their choice, turned out a surprise result. As one young Indian journalist nicely put it; They (the voters), gave the ruling BJP a victory that feels like a defeat; and the Opposition Alliance…



The sound of new music

The sound of new music

Tilanka Jayamanne, the mastermind of the upcoming  concert ‘Neo Symphony’ invites music lovers to come with an open mind By Sajani Ratnayake Creating music is creating…

Jason Rajasinghe wins ‘Telly Awards’ in USA

Book on Victoria Golf Resort by Tony Whitham

‘Waves of Change: Safeguarding Sea Turtles’


Flameback Eco Lodge wins Sustainable Tourism Award

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Sunday Times 2

Prana: Commitment to environmental conservation

Prana: Commitment to environmental conservation

Pegasus Reef Hotel’s World Environment Day event, Prana, focused on beach clean-up and tree planting. Prana…

Midusana takes oaths

Workshop on building women’s political capacity

More Sunday Times 2 >>


Learning skills: It takes a village

Learning skills: It takes a village

  Heavy rains and flooding caused damage to several State buildings including schools in several areas.…

Celebrating 65 years of Commonwealth Scholarships

China, TRC provide 3,000 smart boards to classrooms

More Education >>


The sound of new music

The sound of new music

Tilanka Jayamanne, the mastermind of the upcoming  concert ‘Neo Symphony’ invites music lovers to come with an…

Jason Rajasinghe wins ‘Telly Awards’ in USA

Book on Victoria Golf Resort by Tony Whitham

More Magazine >>

Funday Times

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