For over six decades, Commonwealth Scholarships have stood as a beacon of opportunity, nurturing and empowering talented academics from across the Commonwealth to contribute to promoting sustainable development and social progress. Managed by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) in the UK, these scholarships annually provide around 700 students with the invaluable chance to pursue postgraduate [...]


Celebrating 65 years of Commonwealth Scholarships


For over six decades, Commonwealth Scholarships have stood as a beacon of opportunity, nurturing and empowering talented academics from across the Commonwealth to contribute to promoting sustainable development and social progress. Managed by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) in the UK, these scholarships annually provide around 700 students with the invaluable chance to pursue postgraduate degrees at leading UK universities.

In Sri Lanka, the impact of Commonwealth Scholarships has been profound. Since the first group of scholars embarked on this journey in 1960, over 1,100 scholars have benefited from the programme, holding esteemed positions in the public sector as Vice Chancellors, Chief Justices, Chairs of the University Grants Commission, and Ambassadors.

What sets Commonwealth Scholarships apart is their far-reaching support. The scholarship programme emphasizes not only academic excellence but also leadership potential and a commitment to improving the lives of others within their home countries. Indrika Rajapaksha is currently a Professor in Architecture at the University of Moratuwa. As the inaugural female professor in the discipline within Sri Lanka, she is renowned for her contribution to academia and research, with extensive expertise in Architectural Science integrating ‘bio-climatic’ design philosophies for the warming tropics. Dr Rajapaksha was a Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellow and had the privilege of serving as an honorary senior research fellow at the Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, University College London, UK. She was engaged in the LUCID project, a multidisciplinary research initiative focusing on London’s urban heat island with an emphasis on climate, comfort, and health. This project enhanced her knowledge of teamwork and facilitated the development of her skills in on-site experimental methodologies, data acquisition, and building energy modelling. The substantial expertise gained during this fellowship greatly enhanced her research profile, leading to the acquisition of national research grants and an impressive publication record. She holds the distinction of having the most cited work in architecture in Sri Lanka.

Prof. Jayaweera was a recipient of the Commonwealth Academic Fellowship and undertook his Postdoctoral Research Assignment at the Informatics Research Centre (IRC) of the University of Reading in 2012. The training that Prof. Jayaweera received at Health Level Seven® International (HL7®), the global authority on standards for the interoperability of health technology with members in over 55 countries, led him to influence digitisation efforts at the Ministry of Health in Sri Lanka to adopt and be compliant with eHealth standards. While at the University of Reading, Prof. Jayaweera also had the opportunity to witness and collaborate with Royal Berkshire Hospital, which was invaluable for understanding the adoption of emerging technology in healthcare.

The contribution of Commonwealth Scholars towards society and their respective fields stands as testaments to the transformative power of education and the Commonwealth Scholarship Programme. Upekha Rajapaksha pursued an MSc in Translation Studies at the University of Glasgow as part of the Commonwealth Scholarship Programme in 2021. Here, she gained theoretical knowledge, explored new perspectives and technological advancements in translation, and expanded her professional network.

Her course encompassed practical training in various translation domains such as audio-visual translation, media translation, and technology in translation, enabling her to contribute to ‘The Translator’s Handboook’ published by the Department of Official Languages, Sri Lanka. Upon her return, Upekha was promoted to Head of the Glossary Compilation unit, where she oversaw the compilation of glossaries on pertinent topics including social media, tourism and hospitality management, gender and inclusivity, artificial intelligence, research methodology, and translation studies, aligned with the Official Language Policy of Sri Lanka, ensuring that the language rights of citizens are upheld, and supports the UN vision of inclusivity advocating no one left behind. Through the Commonwealth Scholarships, she has not only broadened her horizons but also made a tangible impact on Sri Lanka by promoting the significance of translators in social reconciliation efforts.

Upon completion of their programmes, Commonwealth Scholars become part of a global network of alumni that includes distinguished figures such as Prime Ministers, Nobel Prize laureates, and leaders in various fields, opening doors to endless opportunities for collaboration and impact. If you are a Commonwealth Scholarship Alumni, we invite you to take a moment to update your contact details here on the Commonwealth Scholarships website ( and be part of a nurturing network of alumni accelerating your personal and professional growth through shared knowledge, resources and connections.

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