The Sri Lanka Navy marked a milestone in its Naval Social Responsibility (NSR) efforts with the opening of its 1,000th Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant at Sri Sumana Vidyalaya in Palukadawala, Galgamuwa, on June 5. It was opened under the auspices of the Navy Commander, Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera, and  National Lotteries Board chairman, Dr. Chameera [...]


Navy marks milestone with opening of 1000th Reverse Osmosis plant


The Sri Lanka Navy marked a milestone in its Naval Social Responsibility (NSR) efforts with the opening of its 1,000th Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant at Sri Sumana Vidyalaya in Palukadawala, Galgamuwa, on June 5.

It was opened under the auspices of the Navy Commander, Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera, and  National Lotteries Board chairman, Dr. Chameera C. Yapa Abeywardena.

The Navy’s high-quality, cost-effective RO plants have significantly enhanced people’s access to safe drinking water across the island.

Since the inception of this project, a total of 1,000 RO plants have been installed, with 161 in the Northern Province, 340 in the North Central Province, 149 in the Northwestern Province, 54 in the Central Province, 10 in the Western Province, 13 in the Sabaragamuwa Province, 22 in the Southern Province, 155 in the Uva Province, 92 in the Eastern Province, and four units on major vessels of the Sri Lanka Navy.

The Health Ministry’s data on kidney disease shows a decline in the number of patients since the inception of the Navy’s RO plant projects.

Together with the Navy’s technical expertise and funding from the National Lotteries Board, the project has been a success story.

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