Commencing Advanced Level classes would remedy the delay in the examination time table and term time tables caused by several school closures in the past. Education Minister Susil Premajayantha explained that the Ministry took on the challenging task of starting Advanced Level classes following the Ordinary Level examination as the students miss education for a [...]


Commencing A/L classes would realign timetables, prevent students idling: Minister


Commencing Advanced Level classes would remedy the delay in the examination time table and term time tables caused by several school closures in the past.

Education Minister Susil Premajayantha explained that the Ministry took on the challenging task of starting Advanced Level classes following the Ordinary Level examination as the students miss education for a prolonged period.

He was speaking at an event held last week to mark the commencement of Advanced Level classes at Nalanda College, Colombo.

The minister pointed out that the move would bring normalcy to the school term time tables.

He added that the move was made after discussing with educationalists, and experts of many fields. This would stop students from staying at home without any work.

Classes had started in the Arts, Commerce and Science streams.

The move was carried out according to teaching guidelines and with the consent of the students. He anticipated that when results are released there would be a five to ten percentage change of the number of students engaging in Advanced Level studies.

The Minister acknowledged that as there are two sets of Advanced Level students engaging in studies in schools there would be temporary issues such as space and physical issues for a period of three months.

Teachers would face problems in subject time tables, and the minister directed the school administration to manage the situation without making it a problem for the students.

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