In a testament to its commitment to excellence in education, Management and Science University (MSU) Malaysia has secured its position on the global stage by ranked in the prestigious QS World University Ranking 2025 edition. The university has been ranked 580th in the world, a remarkable achievement that demonstrate its commitment to providing transformative educational [...]




In a testament to its commitment to excellence in education, Management and Science University (MSU) Malaysia has secured its position on the global stage by ranked in the prestigious QS World University Ranking 2025 edition. The university has been ranked 580th in the world, a remarkable achievement that demonstrate its commitment to providing transformative educational opportunities and facilitating a collaborative learning environment. The University is centred on pioneering socio-economic transformation through delivery methods and an emphasis on ethical values

MSU also achieved notable success in attracting international students and staff. The University ranked 51st in the world (a rise of 41 rungs) and third in Malaysia for International Students. Additionally, it ranked 126th in the world (a rise of 54 places) and first in Malaysia for International Faculty.

This achievement reflects MSU’s diverse student body with representation from 67 countries, facilitating knowledge exchange through international mobility programmes.

With a rise of 87 rungs, MSU is ranked 389th in the world for the Faculty Student Ratio. The rise in this feat indicates that the University is constantly upgrading its academic staff resources for activities including, but not limited to, teaching, supervision, curriculum development, as well as mentor-mentee endeavours to improve the students’ learning experience.

The University’s inclusion in the QS World University Ranking 2025 reflects its continuous efforts to enhance its academic offerings, infrastructure, and research capabilities. With a focus on innovation and academic excellence, MSU has established a reputation for itself as a prominent higher education in Malaysia and beyond by emphasising innovation and academic quality.

The MSU President, Professor Dr. Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid, expressed his delight in the accomplishment of the university by stating, “This recognition is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our faculty, staff, and students. It reinforces our commitment in providing a world-class education that prepares our graduates to excel in their chosen fields.”

The QS World University Ranking is a globally recognised standard for evaluating the quality of higher educational institutions. MSU’s inclusion in this prestigious ranking is a testament to its academic reputation, employer reputation, faculty/student ratio, citations per faculty, international faculty ratio, and international student ratio.

As MSU continues to uphold its mission of nurturing future leaders and innovators, its QS World University Ranking 2025 serves as a testament to its unwavering dedication to excellence in education and research. With this achievement, MSU reaffirms its position as a leading institution in Malaysia and a key player on the global stage.

The Management and Science University (MSU) in Malaysia has been ranked globally by QS.

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