Education Minister Susil Premajayantha has warned that renewed strike action by teachers and other staff will cripple plans to complete the syllabuses. He said there was no use of strike as the Government does not have money to grant any increases and allowances this year as allocations have not been made. Library assistants, watchers, labourers [...]


School staff to strike, ministry seeks parents, past pupil help


Education Minister Susil Premajayantha has warned that renewed strike action by teachers and other staff will cripple plans to complete the syllabuses.

He said there was no use of strike as the Government does not have money to grant any increases and allowances this year as allocations have not been made.

Library assistants, watchers, labourers and minor employees have also proposed to stay out of work next week which could also affect the schools.

The ministry has appealed to parents, other associations and past pupils to assist in maintaining the school services this week.

The Minister said that they were following the non-academic staff of universities.

The ministry will take all measures to ensure that schools function as usual.

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