The Sectoral Oversight Committee (SOC) on Education approved the “Sri Lanka National Commission for UNESCO” bill, which was submitted to it following presentation in Parliament. The Parliamentary Communications Department said the approval was granted during the recent meeting of the SOC on Education, chaired by Member of Parliament Dr V Radhakrishnan. This measure is being [...]


Sri Lanka National Commission for UNESCO bill approved


The Sectoral Oversight Committee (SOC) on Education approved the

“Sri Lanka National Commission for UNESCO” bill, which was submitted to it following presentation in Parliament.

The Parliamentary Communications Department said the approval was granted during the recent meeting of the SOC on Education, chaired by Member of Parliament
Dr V Radhakrishnan.

This measure is being proposed in order to set up the National Commission for UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) and to facilitate related operations.

The committee had discussed the bill and its potential amendments on multiple occasions. (NA)

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