The official launch of the Public Learn Education Platform took place on Thursday at the Presidential Secretariat, under the patronage of President Ranil Wickremesinghe. Public Learn is a platform that guides users to free courses from the world’s top universities. Operated by Regent Global, it has been funded by the Sri Lankan diaspora in [...]


Sri Lankan diaspora help launch Public Learn


The official launch of the Public Learn Education Platform took place on Thursday at the Presidential Secretariat, under the patronage of President Ranil Wickremesinghe.

Public Learn is a platform that guides users to free courses from the world’s top universities. Operated by Regent Global, it has been funded by the Sri Lankan diaspora in the UK.

Emphasising the importance of adapting to a knowledge-intensive society, the President highlighted Sri Lanka’s strong educational results despite various systemic flaws.

He said the new platform would enhance the education system’s effectiveness and stressed that Sri Lanka must swiftly advance in digitization to drive economic transformation., he said, is an essential tool for achieving this goal by providing more post-school learning opportunities without traditional classroom constraints. This digital platform can also help address the shortage of skilled, experienced teachers within classrooms and pave the way for many Sri Lankans to advance and transform the country.

President Wickremesinghe reflected on Sri Lanka’s historical learning journey in three phases: first, during the era of Arahath Mahinda and the Pirivena system; second, with the introduction of the British public school system; and now, with the advent of digital education platforms like Public Learn, marking the third phase.

The President thanked Dr Selva Pankaj and Regent Global for extending this opportunity to benefit the Sri Lankan people.

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