The Education Ministry expects a future balance in teachers at both provincial and educational zone levels, Minister Dr Susil Premajayantha said. This teacher-student ratio plays a significant role in the execution of education reforms, he said. Nine educational units corresponding to the nine provinces would be established, and the current 100 education zones will be [...]


Teacher-student ratio important in education reforms: Minister


The Education Ministry expects a future balance in teachers at both provincial and educational zone levels, Minister Dr Susil Premajayantha said.

This teacher-student ratio plays a significant role in the execution of education reforms, he said.

Nine educational units corresponding to the nine provinces would be established, and the current 100 education zones will be increased to 120 for convenience of administration.

The proposal also presents increasing the number of education divisions to 350 and converting them into “education boards.”

Consolidating all 10,096 schools into 1,200 clusters has also been proposed.

Real free education would be achieved in practice by establishing a leading school in each cluster and building at least two leading schools with all the resources in a cluster, Minister Premajayantha said.

Meanwhile, a Rs2,500 increase in preschool teachers’ remuneration was approved by the cabinet, Spokesman Dr Bandula Gunawardana said. (NA)

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