Nawaloka College of Higher Studies (NCHS) is dedicated to providing Sri Lankan students with world-class educational opportunities, including the chance to earn a prestigious American degree. Through the USA Degree Transfer Programme, NCHS offers a seamless and cost-effective pathway for students to start their academic journey in Sri Lanka and complete their degrees in the [...]


Unlock Your American Dream with NCHS


Nawaloka College of Higher Studies (NCHS) is dedicated to providing Sri Lankan students with world-class educational opportunities, including the chance to earn a prestigious American degree. Through the USA Degree Transfer Programme, NCHS offers a seamless and cost-effective pathway for students to start their academic journey in Sri Lanka and complete their degrees in the United States. This programme not only opens doors to global opportunities but also ensures a smooth transition for students aspiring to study in America.

In the evolving landscape of international education, the United States emerges as the premier destination for aspiring students worldwide in 2024, according to the latest research conducted by IDP Education. This is due to its world-class education system, diverse range of programmes, and cutting-edge research opportunities. American universities are renowned for their quality of education, experienced faculty, and vibrant campus life, offering students a holistic and enriching experience. Additionally, the USA’s dynamic job market, cultural diversity, and global networking opportunities make it an ideal destination for students seeking academic excellence and promising career prospects.

An Option for Everyone

NCHS students can select a university of their choice, while getting a foundation from the comfort of Sri Lanka. New York boasts prestigious institutions like John Jay College, College of Staten Island, and University of Albany, providing diverse opportunities in finance, technology, arts, and media. In California, universities such as Monterey Bay, Fresno State, Northridge, San Marcos, Sacramento, and Bakersfield offer robust academic programmes and networking opportunities. Other notable institutions include University of Nebraska–Omaha, Austin Peay State University, St Cloud State University, Salisbury University, University of North Alabama, University of Lynchburg, and University of Kentucky, all fostering academic excellence and career growth in various fields.

Succeed in Studies and
Beyond with NCHS

NCHS is committed to providing a supportive academic environment that prepares students for success in their studies and beyond. The curriculum is designed to align with international standards, and the teaching faculty comprises experienced educators who are dedicated to helping students achieve their academic goals. This strong foundation ensures that students are well-prepared to excel in their studies once they transfer to their chosen American universities.

Personalised Support and Guidance

NCHS provides personalised support and guidance throughout the transfer process. From academic advising to visa application assistance, NCHS ensures that students receive the help they need to make a smooth transition to studying in the USA. This comprehensive support system is crucial in helping students navigate the complexities of studying abroad and in making their dream of earning an American degree a reality.

Thenuja Randiv Jayasekara

Thenuja Randiv Jayasekara, a past student of Royal College Colombo 07 and former president of the NCHS Student Council, is one of the many success stories from the NCHS USA Degree Transfer Programme. Thenuja recently had his US visa approved and is now set to complete his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a major in Supply Chain Management at California State University, Sacramento.

“Hey! I just got my US visa approved! That’s right, I’m off to California State University, Sacramento to finish my bachelor’s degree in business administration, majoring in Supply Chain Management. This wouldn’t have been possible without Nawaloka College’s USA Degree Transfer Programme. As a transfer student, I had a great experience. Their programme gave me a strong foundation, and supportive academics made the transfer process smooth. Now, I’m excited for this new chapter at Sacramento! Thanks, NCHS, for making my USA dream a reality!”

Join NCHS today!

NCHS, located in Colombo and Kandy, offers state-of-the-art facilities, including engineering and computer laboratories, a resource-oriented library, and dedicated study areas. The institution is committed to maintaining high standards of education and providing a conducive learning environment for all students. Additionally, NCHS offers student loan facilities at special interest rates to support students in their pursuit of higher education.

If you aspire to study in the USA and want to take advantage of the prestigious degree pathway programmes at NCHS, contact the USA hotline at 0777 799 997 or 0112 777 666. You can also email for more information. NCHS is your gateway to achieving your American dream and building a successful future.

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