By Ranjith Padmasiri   Attorney General Sanjay Rajaratnam has written to relevant authorities instructing them to arrest Royal Park murder convict Jude Shamantha Jayamaha and bring him back to Sri Lanka to serve out his life imprisonment. The AG has written to the Secretary to the President, the Secretary to the Ministry of Public Security and [...]


AG instructs officials to arrest and bring back Royal Park murder convict


By Ranjith Padmasiri  

Attorney General Sanjay Rajaratnam has written to relevant authorities instructing them to arrest Royal Park murder convict Jude Shamantha Jayamaha and bring him back to Sri Lanka to serve out his life imprisonment.

The AG has written to the Secretary to the President, the Secretary to the Ministry of Public Security and the Inspector General of Police (IGP), the Secretary to the Ministry of Justice, Commissioner General of Prisons and Commissioner General of the Department of Immigration and Emigration informing them of the Supreme Court ruling that nullified the presidential pardon granted to Jayamaha. He has also issued specific instructions to each on what steps to take with regard to implementing the SC’s ruling. A summary of the court’s orders have also been annexed with the written instructions sent by the AG to each institution.

Since the SC has also directed the AG’s Department to apprise the court once every two months of the steps taken with regard to the implementation of the court’s order, the AG has asked for a progress report of the actions taken by each institution, to reach him on or before August 1.

Each agency has been directed to take steps in cooperation with other relevant authorities to implement the court’s orders, particularly to place Jayamaha back in prison to serve his life imprisonment.

The agencies have also been asked to seek the advice of the AG with regard to the matter, if necessary.

The AG’s instructions have been issued subsequent to a study of the SC’s verdict conducted by an AG’s Department team led by Additional Solicitor General (ASG) Nerin Pulle, PC.

The written instructions from the AG to each agency have been signed on his behalf by ASG Pulle and Deputy Solicitor General Dr Avanti Perera.

The AG’s instructions to the President’s Secretary informs that the SC had ruled that the presidential pardon granted to Jayamaha is contrary to law and null and void, and that as per the majority decision, he should be placed back in prison to serve his life imprisonment. The AG has accordingly instructed the President’s Secretary to assist the relevant authorities in the implementation of the court’s orders.

The AG has directed the Secretary to the Public Security Ministry and the IGP to assist other relevant authorities to implement the SC’s orders, particularly to locate, apprehend and extradite Jayamaha to Sri Lanka and place him back in prison to serve life imprisonment.

Instructions to the Secretary of the Ministry of Justice note that in locating, apprehending and extraditing Jayamaha, recourse to provisions of the Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act, No.25 of 2002 and any other applicable laws, as well as international, regional and bilateral treaties and agreements should be considered.

The Commissioner General of Prisons and the Commissioner General of the Department of Immigration and Emigration meanwhile, have been directed to take steps in cooperation with other relevant authorities to implement the court’s orders.

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