By Damith Wickramasekara A bill on the disposal of court productions is to be presented to Cabinet next week to enable the government to auction thousands of vehicles currently languishing in courts and police stations. Under the provisions of the bill, if a judge is unable to give a ruling on any vehicle that is [...]


Thousands of court production vehicles to be auctioned


By Damith Wickramasekara

A bill on the disposal of court productions is to be presented to Cabinet next week to enable the government to auction thousands of vehicles currently languishing in courts and police stations.

Under the provisions of the bill, if a judge is unable to give a ruling on any vehicle that is presented as a court production within three months, that vehicle can be auctioned. The money from the sale of that vehicle will be deposited in a Fixed Deposit (FD) account opened specifically for that purpose at a bank, Justice Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe told the Sunday Times.

Once the court case concludes and the vehicle owner is cleared, he or she will be able to obtain the funds deposited in the FD account together with the accumulated interest. If the vehicle owner is found guilty, however, the funds in the FD will be confiscated by the State.

Explaining the reasoning for presenting the new bill, Minister Rajapakshe said thousands of vehicles valued at billions of rupees are currently languishing at courts and police stations. In some instances, the government has been forced to rent large plots of land to serve as parks for vehicles that are being kept as court productions. The vehicles are parked at these locations, sometimes for years, falling into a state of disrepair due to a lack of maintenance.

“This serves no purpose for the vehicle owner. The new legislation would at least help him or her save money,” the minister said.

The bill is due to be presented at the next Cabinet meeting and gazetted thereafter.

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