Science College, D.S. Senanayake College and Wesley College made commanding starts to their campaigns to the Dialog Schools Rugby League with resounding wins against their respective opponents. Science travelled all the way to Nittawela, Kandy to hand hosts St. Anthony’s College, an unexpected defeat, as they bounced back to record a 27-14 win. It was [...]


Science, Dons, Wesley in wins


Science College, D.S. Senanayake College and Wesley College made commanding starts to their campaigns to the Dialog Schools Rugby League with resounding wins against their respective opponents.

Science travelled all the way to Nittawela, Kandy to hand hosts St. Anthony’s College, an unexpected defeat, as they bounced back to record a 27-14 win. It was the Eagles who made early breakthroughs, but Science, using the skills of their experienced seniors, marched to end up with a tally of four tries, two conversions and a penalty, inclusive of bonus points. St. Anthony’s, who dominated the early stages of the game, gradually weakened their approach and scored from two converted tries.

At Longdon Place, D.S. Senanayake hosted Dharmaraja College, only to shock them with a commanding 44-12, which was another major upset following Vidyartha College’s shocking 27-22 win against St. Joseph’s College on Friday. D.S. Senanayake dominated from the start, ending up with a tally of six tries, four conversions and two penalties to earn bonus points. Dharmaraja, who were totally outsmarted by the Dons, scored from two tries and a conversion.

Wesley College made a solid start to their season by putting Zahira College in the offence from the beginning, in the game they won by 21-14 at Maradana. Zahira, a team that had been in existence in the top league for quite a few seasons, looked as if they were unprepared for the challenges put forward by Wesley, who accounted for three unconverted tries and two penalties to their tally. Zahira, however, made a late recovery and scored from two converted tries, but time stood in their way as Wesley recorded a much needed win.

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