In three years, all schools would be digitally transformed and integrated into a single network, offering friendly learning opportunities according to Education Minister Dr Susil Premajayantha. Minister Premajayantha made this statement while addressing the audience at the inauguration of a new three-storey building at Dhammissara College, in Nattandiya. The Minister said teachers would play a [...]


New educational structure to expedite graduation


In three years, all schools would be digitally transformed and integrated into a single network, offering friendly learning opportunities according to Education Minister Dr Susil Premajayantha.

Minister Premajayantha made this statement while addressing the audience at the inauguration of a new three-storey building at Dhammissara College, in Nattandiya.

The Minister said teachers would play a major role in this, and 7,500 teachers will receive training in the first round. Teacher handbooks pertaining to the training have already been created by education experts.

This novel educational structure, which was created with the latest global educational trends, will allow schoolchildren to graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree at age 21, a Postgraduate Degree at age 23, and a PhD at age 27.

As part of this initiative, he said, 2,500 smart boards will be given to all of the leading schools in the country by August or September this year in the first phase.

Digitising education involves more than merely switching from blackboards to smart boards, he pointed out.

Moreover, Minister Premajayantha said the Grade 5 Scholarship Examination marks will no longer be exclusively based on the written exam as per the proposed educational reforms, effective 2025. According to the Minister, these reforms would have pilot projects starting next year. Classroom assignments in Grades 4 and 5 will account for 30 percent of the exam score, and teachers will be in charge of assessment, with school boards overseeing the process.

By the first week of July, the Ministry intends to grant about 2,500 graduate teacher posts in a range of subjects, including media, technology, foreign languages, chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, and media in Sinhala, Tamil, and English. These appointments come after a stringent examination and interview process, he said.



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