The university admission process will go ahead without an interruption despite the ongoing strike by non-academic staff in campuses, University Grants Commission (UGC) Chairman Prof Sampath Amaratunga said. He said that to keep the admission process on track, they have decided to outsource the processing of the applications. Prof Amaratunga said they expect the first [...]


University admission processing to be outsourced due to non-academic staff strike

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The university admission process will go ahead without an interruption despite the ongoing strike by non-academic staff in campuses, University Grants Commission (UGC) Chairman Prof Sampath Amaratunga said.

He said that to keep the admission process on track, they have decided to outsource the processing of the applications.

Prof Amaratunga said they expect the first batches to be enlisted within two months, ensuring that there is no delay in students starting academic activities.

He said the Government has agreed to pay for outsourcing the process.

The Government hopes to register 45,000 students for the new academic year.

The National Admission Committee has already met and the Vice Chancellors have agreed to enlist an intake of 45,000 students, despite shortcomings including staff availability and infrastructure facilities.

Though the UGC registers the students, most of them would have to follow online classes in view of the strike by non-academic staff who have been on strike for more than 50 days.

Prof Amaratunga said universities were widely using online systems to conduct lectures already.

First year students will be moving into the second year shortly thus allowing facilities to accommodate the new batch.

Meanwhile, Education Ministry sources have confirmed that Ministry Secretary Thilaka Jayasundara has conveyed to the UGC the non-availability of funds to meet the demands of university non-academic staff.

The Ministry has said that allocations were not available this year.



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