The Judicial Services Association (JSA), which represents district judges and magistrates, has decided to strongly condemn Justice Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe’s statement, in which he levelled serious allegations of misconduct against several serving judicial officers. The decision was made when the JSC’s special executive committee convened for a meeting on Thursday (20). It was also decided [...]


Judicial Services Association decides to condemn Justice Minister’s statement


The Judicial Services Association (JSA), which represents district judges and magistrates, has decided to strongly condemn Justice Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe’s statement, in which he levelled serious allegations of misconduct against several serving judicial officers.

The decision was made when the JSC’s special executive committee convened for a meeting on Thursday (20). It was also decided to issue a statement tomorrow (24) condemning the Justice Minister’s statement, which he made in Parliament.

In May, the JSA wrote to the Secretary of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), alleging that a “conspiracy” was underway to hurl unfounded allegations against its members, who have no opportunity to respond publicly to them. The letter, signed by JSA Secretary and Galle Magistrate Isuru Neththikumarage, urged the JSC to actively intervene to take legal action against those who hurl such allegations.

A JSC official said investigations were already ongoing into all the incidents of alleged misconduct that the Justice Minister had referred to in his speech. The source pointed out that no one could be punished based on an allegation alone and that it could only be done after a thorough inquiry if evidence to prove the allegations was unearthed.

According to the JSC, statements have been recorded from several people about the incident where electricity was allegedly tapped illegally from the Mount Lavinia Magistrate’s Court premises. Two employees of the Colombo Chief Magistrate’s Court have already been interdicted after bottles of whiskey went missing from the court’s production room.

The source said that the JSC Secretary, who also came in for criticism during Mr. Rajapakshe’s speech, had only been in that position for six years.

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