More than 30,000 kgs of rice due to be distributed among low income group families in Karuwalagaswewa in the Puttalam District has been turned down due to poor quality, officials said. The rice was due to be distributed among 7,881 families under the programme to provide 10kgs of rice to each of the families. The [...]


Miller provides rice unfit for consumption


More than 30,000 kgs of rice due to be distributed among low income group families in Karuwalagaswewa in the Puttalam District has been turned down due to poor quality, officials said.

The rice was due to be distributed among 7,881 families under the programme to provide 10kgs of rice to each of the families.

The rice had been brought by a miller from Tissmaharamaya.

Each of the rice bags had been packed into another bag, which raised doubts among officials and prompted them to alert Public Health Inspectors.

After inspections it was revealed that the rice was of poor quality and not fit for consumption.

The same miller was also due to provide another 15,000 kgs to the Karuwalagaswewa Divisional Secretary office.

Divisional Secretary J H M N S Jayapadma said that the District Secretary has been informed for necessary action to be taken.

PHI inspects rice consignment Pix by Hiran Priyankara Jayasinghe

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