Trade unions have expressed opposition to the proposed purchase of diesel-operated Straddle carrier cranes for the East Container Terminal, claiming that hybrid cranes are more cost effective and technologically more advanced. The Port Join Trade Union Alliance said that the Technical Evaluation Committee, from the beginning of the process, has favoured diesel-operated machines. The tender [...]


Ports unions oppose purchase of diesel cranes; push for hybrid machines


Trade unions have expressed opposition to the proposed purchase of diesel-operated Straddle carrier cranes for the East Container Terminal, claiming that hybrid cranes are more cost effective and technologically more advanced.

The Port Join Trade Union Alliance said that the Technical Evaluation Committee, from the beginning of the process, has favoured diesel-operated machines.

The tender is estimated to be around 51 million US dollars.

The trade unions claim that initially two models—diesel and hybrid—were under consideration, and the hybrid option could save over Rs five billion in fuel and maintenance costs over its lifespan.

Currently, all major shipping lines are following International Maritime Organisation decarbonisation guidelines and building low-emission container ships, the unions pointed out.

According to the unions, the diesel straddle cranes are becoming obsolete, with many terminals replacing them with hybrid versions.

“Adopting diesel carriers could render ECT outdated before it even begins operations,” the trade union alliance said.

The IMO is imposing new carbon emission regulations, and the SLPA has already signed decarbonisation conventions, the alliance said.

A senior Ports Ministry official said they would consider a revision after studying the proposal by the Technical Evaluation Committee.

A Finance Ministry official also said that they would be forced to halt the purchase if there was an issue with the proposed purchase.

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