The Lanka Premier League organisers, who recently re-admitted B-Love Kandy after initially ending the partnership, have now decided to sever ties as the franchise has violated contractual obligations for the second consecutive time. With the tournament just nine days away, the organisers are currently seeking a new owner to manage the franchise for the fifth [...]


LPL ‘unloves’ Kandy franchise again


The Lanka Premier League organisers, who recently re-admitted B-Love Kandy after initially ending the partnership, have now decided to sever ties as the franchise has violated contractual obligations for the second consecutive time.

With the tournament just nine days away, the organisers are currently seeking a new owner to manage the franchise for the fifth edition of the event. If a new owner is not found, the organisers will take charge of the team themselves.

B-Love Network, a Dubai-based cryptocurrency business, was the previous owner of the franchise. Operating an online forex business is illegal in Sri Lanka, which drew attention when the company acquired the franchise last season.

Despite B-Love Kandy, led by current Sri Lanka captain Wanindu Hasaranga, winning the fourth edition of the Lanka Premier League last year, the Sri Lanka Cricket Board decided to cut ties with the company.

Samantha Dodanwela, the tournament director, mentioned that the company failed to meet contractual obligations, including non-payment of full franchise fees and leaving unpaid bills at a five-star hotel at the conclusion of the fourth edition.

“After careful consideration, a termination notice was issued to the franchise. We provided them with an opportunity, but they did not fulfill their obligations,” he explained the reasons for terminating the contract.

B-Love Network, owned by businessman Omar Khan (also known as OK), has previously sponsored the T20 cricket series between Pakistan and Afghanistan in Sharjah in 2023 and is the official sponsor of the Pakistan Super League 8 phase.

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