In a major transformation shift in the Sri Lankan legal industry, an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered legal research platform has been introduced by RedBlocks AI (Pvt) Ltd, featuring the country’s largest legal database, addressing the critical pain points that have long hindered efficient legal research. At the recently concluded Sri Lanka Association for Software and Services [...]

Business Times

AI Pazz, the first AI-powered legal research platform in Sri Lanka


In a major transformation shift in the Sri Lankan legal industry, an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered legal research platform has been introduced by RedBlocks AI (Pvt) Ltd, featuring the country’s largest legal database, addressing the critical pain points that have long hindered efficient legal research.

At the recently concluded Sri Lanka Association for Software and Services Companies (SLASSCOM) Ingenuity Awards 2024, the platform – AI Pazz emerged as a winner, securing 3rd Best start-up national award and Best Tech for Good national award, the company said in a media release.

The team behind AI Pazz highlighted that the interest that is shown on the platform and the adaptability of the Sri Lankan legal industry is quite remarkable and encouraging, as many individuals, leading law chambers and educational institutes have already onboarded within a short period of time.

These accolades highlight the transformative impact AI Pazz is set to have on legal research, promising enhanced efficiency and accuracy for legal professionals across Sri Lanka. The platform’s recognition at SLASSCOM underscores its potential to revolutionise the legal landscape, setting new standards for innovation and excellence. The statement said that heavy reliance on manual work, hard copies, not having a centralised legal database, and the lack of a mechanism to get the latest updates such as detecting overruled scenarios are some of the biggest challenges legal professionals face every day of their professional work.

With AI Pazz, all levels of legal professionals and law students now get access to a vast range of documents covering up-to-date acts and amendments, case laws from the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, NRL, SLR reports, and many more.

“We saw a clear gap in the Sri Lankan legal industry which can be resolved with the AI technology to save a lot of time of our legal professionals. This is just the start of this journey and we have some interesting capabilities in the making which will make it even easier for our legal professionals.”   Melick Baranasooriya, Co-Founder (Technology) noted, “As AI Technology evolves fast, more and more technological advancement will be made available to our users at a very affordable price. Providing the best to our country through the latest technologies is one of our core priorities.”

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