Poetry is a reflection of the poet; their life experiences, their joy, and their pain. From My Heart to Yours is the personification of a teenage girl’s mind bleeding on paper. Unlike most poems, excess literary devices are not needed to add allure to words. Kavishinee Shangar aims to convey a message and tell a [...]


From Her Heart To Ours


Poetry is a reflection of the poet; their life experiences, their joy, and their pain. From My Heart to Yours is the personification of a teenage girl’s mind bleeding on paper. Unlike most poems, excess literary devices are not needed to add allure to words. Kavishinee Shangar aims to convey a message and tell a story. This book is a collection of poems written in the voice of a teenage girl living in a country that has yet to outgrow prejudice.

Each poem is written in the form of a letter. The recipient is not named; rather, she invites all those who feel the same way to read. For example, the very first poem is written to herself. ‘To the Old Me, I’m Sorry,’ As we continue reading, we realise that ‘the old me’ is a persona we all have had. Each emotion of either ‘loving, breaking, or healing’ is something we all have undergone. Hence, ‘the old me’ no longer remains solely the old Kavshinee Shanghar but the old us. She gives us a window into our past while discussing our present and the future she hopes to see. Regret is an emotion that ties us all, and by beginning her story with her regrets and her lessons learned, she begins with hope: hope in improvement for not just herself but for all her readers.

Written in free verse, each poem is relatable and easy to understand. We journey with the poet as she finds the answers to her own questions. In poems like ‘To the Confused Ones, There is No Map. Whichever way you go, you will be okay.’ We begin to realise that, no matter your age, experience, or accolades, it’s impossible to have all the answers to life. This conclusion is often difficult to swallow. Learning to accept ignorance and uncertainty in ourselves brings a sense of catharsis. She highlights the fluidity of life with implicit meanings and metaphors. The ups and downs, the emotional upheavals, the minor inconveniences, the small moments of joy, and the memories embalmed in incandescent light. Every emotion she quotes is cradled by her words in a way that is relatable and simple without lacking technique or personal style.

Life is more than just fluid; it is also paradoxical. Kavishinee takes us through these juxtapositions, dissecting them, trying to make sense of them, and finally embracing them. She takes the reader on a journey of self-reflection, confusion, and slow acceptance, as she divulges her own understanding of what she calls life.

One of my favorite paradoxes can be summarised as ‘We may not talk much…You’ll always be there.’ She brings to light the complexities of friendship while highlighting its inexplicable beauty and timelessness. As we grow into the world and carve out our own corner, we often don’t have time to make that midnight call across time zones. Yet, we are secure in the knowledge that they will always be there to ring up on a rainy day. Kavishinee manages to entwine the haunting beauty of mundane life in her work, highlighting little pockets of memories we often forget to celebrate.

Kavishinee does not hide her origins; although her thinking patterns may be perceived as foreign, her Sri Lankan blood is clear. She discusses topics such as alcoholism, mental health in teens, and how female bodies are presented in the status quo. While these are commonly discussed topics, she centers them in a Sri Lankan context, interweaving tradition and culture in her poetry. This is exemplified in poems such as, ‘To the monsters in my motherland, I hope Karma gets you,’ She is aware despite her young age, and she is unafraid of having her voice heard. It takes a certain brand of bravery to publish blame where it belongs; Kavishinee Shanghar has it in spades. ‘We become one voice, one person, one nation.’ Her words embody the youth, protesting, pleading, and grasping at a better future – one we can call our own with pride.

What makes her message so powerful is that her poetry is without excess embellishment. She appeals to a wide audience, and her simple technique makes it easy for context to seep from the background and onto centerstage. ‘So, am I a mad woman tonight? Yes. Yes, I am.’ Many shy away from linking themselves to negatively portrayed media, but the boldness she writes with adds another layer of credibility and veracity to her work, making it all the more astounding in its message.

She explores the perspectives of a mother, a daughter, a child, and a woman, all while showcasing their untold stories and messages. The prejudice of insanity toward women runs rampant in history, and in just a few words, she is able to shatter it. Everyone carries a strand of madness in them, and sometimes that chaos is blessed in its beauty. There are 69 poems in From My Heart to Yours; every type of reader is granted a peek into her mind.

Kavishinee Shangar manages to capture the normalisation of abuse and pain, which is often left undiscussed. Social issues are interwoven into daily life, making it all the more startling in its integrity. Each poem has its own core message of either healing, breaking, or loving. Poems like ‘To the one I tried to be, I hope everything heals completely.’ are written in the form of a conversation with the reader, highlighting each strand of emotion in the poet’s own voice. ‘Tonight I put you to sleep singing the only lullaby I’ve ever known.’ She identifies as herself and the reader. This further blurs the line between the poet and the audience, inviting us to look through her eyes while speaking our plight.

Kavishinee writes to the audience – imploring them to understand her own experience, her fears, her hopes, and dreams while inviting them to share their own. She not only advocates for her own healing but also for ours. Thus, helping us learn to love and heal from being broken.

- Shannel Pinidiya


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