By Ranjith Padmasiri   Businessman C.D. Lenawa, who has sought an interim order from the Supreme Court to prevent the Election Commission from holding the presidential election as scheduled until the Court provides an interpretation regarding the end date of the President’s term, declared yesterday that he filed the petition on his own volition.   In a [...]


Lenawa says he acted alone in filing FR petition on presidential term


By Ranjith Padmasiri  

Businessman C.D. Lenawa, who has sought an interim order from the Supreme Court to prevent the Election Commission from holding the presidential election as scheduled until the Court provides an interpretation regarding the end date of the President’s term, declared yesterday that he filed the petition on his own volition.  

In a telephone interview, Mr. Lenawa told the Sunday Times that he believed that the 19th Amendment to the Constitution had not been passed properly, and therefore he thought he could draw public attention to the lapse.

“I intend to get clarification from the court on this issue,” he said.

He claimed that there was no political force behind him and that there were no political intentions in filing the petition.

However, commenting on his name being placed on the National List of the National Development Front, he said he was not involved in active politics with that party. He said it was at the request of the party secretary that he consented to be on the list.

Mr. Lenawa denied that he had any involvement with the Samagi Jana Balawegaya, too.

He said he welcomed the involvement of several intervening petitioners in the case, as it would generate a wider discussion on the issue.

A five-judge bench, headed by Chief Justice Jayantha Jayasuriya, is set to hear the fundamental rights petition on Monday. The bench also includes Justices Vijith Malalgoda, Murdu Fernando, Preethi Padman Surasena and S. Thurairajah.

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