By Ranjith Padmasiri The prosecution has handed over 40 admissions to the defence in the hearing into the case filed against Kandy Samp Army team owner Yogi Patel on charges of pressuring players to engage in corrupt practices during the Legends Cricket tournament. When the case was taken up before Matale High Court Judge Ravindra [...]


Kandy Samp Army court case to commence next month


By Ranjith Padmasiri

The prosecution has handed over 40 admissions to the defence in the hearing into the case filed against Kandy Samp Army team owner Yogi Patel on charges of pressuring players to engage in corrupt practices during the Legends Cricket tournament.

When the case was taken up before Matale High Court Judge Ravindra Premaratne, Senior State Counsel (SSC) Udara Karunaratne handed over the admissions to the Defence. Rienzie Arsecularatne, PC, who appeared for the accused with Attorney-at-Law Thejitha Korala, said they will study the admissions and inform court on the next court date as to which of the admissions are acceptable for the defence.

The accused, who is currently on bail, was present in court. Lawyers who appeared for the two sureties for the accused asked the court to release their clients from being sureties as their clients were finding it difficult to contact the accused. The defence then asked for more time to produce new sureties. The court said it will deliver its ruling on the matter at the next court date.

SSC Karunaratne also told court that the accused had changed his address but had not informed court, adding that this was a violation of his bail conditions. Arsecularatne, PC said that his client had moved to a house in Rajagiriya from his hotel in order to save money and that he had informed police of the move. He asked court to release his client’s passport as he did not have a National Identity Card and that he had faced enormous difficulties owing to the court impounding his passport.

The prosecution agreed to the release of the passport while maintaining the travel ban imposed on the accused. The court accordingly ordered the release of the passport at the next court date on a bond of Rs. 5 million.

Since the defence indicated it is ready to go to trial, Judge Premaratne ordered that the case commence from August 5 and asked the prosecution to call its witnesses on that date.

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