Over the past number of months I have been very silent and refrained from contributing cricket articles to the newspapers. There are a number of reasons for this. In the past I proposed many ideas to help improve and raise the standard of cricket in our country. However, these proposals fell on deaf ears. Those [...]


What measures should we take to improve our cricket?


Over the past number of months I have been very silent and refrained from contributing cricket articles to the newspapers. There are a number of reasons for this. In the past I proposed many ideas to help improve and raise the standard of cricket in our country.

However, these proposals fell on deaf ears. Those in authority did not take any notice of my suggestions and so I thought to myself why should I waste my time when people do not listen or want to listen to constructive criticism.

However, as I behold the current disheartening state of Sri Lanka cricket I cannot keep silent any more. I am compelled once again to enter the public arena to safeguard our national sport. All of us know what happened to our team in the recent T20 World Cup. lt is in the past now. Let bygones be bygones. lt is useless speaking about it. Let us hope for the best.

However, if Sri Lanka is to achieve a very high standard of cricket excellence once again I propose the following suggestions as a way of realising this cherished goal.

  •  For any form of life to flourish discipline is essential. Unfortunately, I do not observe any discipline among our national players. Drunkards and giddy-headed fellows cannot perform well in any team. Those in authority ought to be very honest and well-disciplined as well. Disciplined minds achieve success in life.
  •  Dedication among the national players is essential. They have to give their best to the team and the country. Regular practice sessions must be compulsory. Since they are representing the country they have to make sacrifices in harder to bring glory to Sri Lanka. Those who cannot make such sacrifices will never deliver the goods for their country.
  •  Before the day of the match all players should be in bed by 9:00pm. Going out on a drinking spree and chatting until late at night will automatically affect their performance the following day. Their subsequent mediocre and lacklustre action on the field will inevitably result in Sri Lanka losing the match, thereby bringing shame to the country.
  •  Before embarking on a tour, the players should be prepared to face conditions of the country hosting the matches. lf the tour is being played in a cold country then out authorities must make arrangements to have practice sessions in Nuwara Eliya or Badulla areas. They should practice there one month before the tour. Failing to do so will automatically result in failure to deliver a victory for Sri Lanka.
  •  Countries such as Australia and South Africa present another playing problem for Sri Lanka, namely bouncy pitches. At present our players do not know the art of playing on these wickets. Consequently, our opponents make us eat humble pie when they play away from our motherland. Many ordinary people know this fact. However, our Cricket Board is seemingly oblivious to this reality. As long as such people are in charge of the Board then Sri Lanka cricket will never improve.
  •  ln 1996 Sri Lanka won the World Cup. The whole country was very happy and celebrated the victory in a grand scale. Three years later our lads went to England to play the World Cup with eight players of the 1996 team. What happened? Our players failed to progress to the second round of the competition. The reason was that they could not handle the conditions and pitches of the host country. Over the years and even up to the present day such unpreparedness has resulted in defeat for our cricket team on many occasions. Who is responsible for this appalling situation? Those individuals whose only aim is acquiring money y at all costs cannot help our national players show their true colours on the world cricketing stage.
  •  Our managers, coaches and selectors are not there just to have a good time and enjoy things. They are a vital part of the team and, as such, must fulfil their function of monitoring every aspect of the game and the players on and off the field. During any series of matches they should constantly hold meetings with the team including monitoring their behaviour, as well as giving advice and encouragement where needed. lf a player is constantly failing to perform well, then the coaches should talk to him and help him to overcome any bad patch he may be going through at the time.
  •  At present the Lanka Premier League is taking place. As much as possible young, talented blood should be exposed to this tournament. Along with this pitches that suit foreign countries should be prepared. This approach and attitude will help our players to perform well when they go abroad to play matches. I have a dream of witnessing our team winning a T20 World Cup or a 50-over World Cup in any foreign country.
  •  I have malice towards none, but as an ardent cricket lover I desire that our cricketers show the world that we are second to none. We need not lose every time we play in a tournament. We have world class players. We must get the maximum effort, determination and conviction from every one of them. ln order to achieve this aim all must work as a team. Remember, there are no short cuts to success. Also, there is no substitute for hard work. ln conclusion, I wish the very best to Sri Lanka cricket.

Rev. Bro. Nimal Gurusinghe FSC


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