On Friday, President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s social media team held a Q&A with him. It was titled “#AskRanil.” Social media users were able to directly send questions to the president via YouTube, Facebook, X and TikTok using the hashtag #AskRanil. The president answered a variety of questions directed at him over the 40-minute programme. One of [...]


Ranil’s social media Q&A: The gentleman and ungentlemanly politics


On Friday, President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s social media team held a Q&A with him. It was titled “#AskRanil.” Social media users were able to directly send questions to the president via YouTube, Facebook, X and TikTok using the hashtag #AskRanil.

The president answered a variety of questions directed at him over the 40-minute programme. One of the moderators noted the president’s well-known preference for watching films and television shows on the streaming platform Netflix in his free time. He asked the president what was the last film or television series he watched that he enjoyed.

Mr. Wickremesinghe said it wasn’t a Netflix film or television show, but the most recent film that he watched and liked was “The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare.” The World War II action comedy by British Director Guy Richie is a heavily fictionalised version of a true story of a British Commando raid undertaken during the war to disrupt the supply operation for Nazi U-Boats (submarines). The commandos used espionage and sabotage tactics that the British, who back in the day prided themselves on fighting honourably (at least when it came to fighting other Western nations), would classify as “ungentlemanly,” to achieve their aim.

Perhaps the title of his “latest favourite film is rather apt given that Mr. Wickremesinghe, who has been referred to as a “Gentleman Politician”
during his political career, is now accused of engaging in “ungentlemanly conduct,” from allegedly trying to postpone elections using various tactics to splitting up the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) after it helped him to become elected President in a parliamentary vote.

Kamala: From LOTUS to POTUS

In Sanskrit, Kamala means LOTUS.

In the United States, the Indians say, she will soon be POTUS (the secret service code name for PRESIDENT OF THE US).

In the US Congress, the Indian lobby is called the SAMOSA CAUCUS.

But there is a widespread rumour that the Sri Lankan lobby is to be called the KOKIS CAUCUS.

The Eelamists would opt for the THOSAI CAUCUS.

The expatriate community in the US is called the DIASPORA. The Indians have given it a new twist and call themselves the INDIA-SPORA.


Fonseka in India: Israel honours him

No sooner than Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka through an X post made his intentions to contest the upcoming presidential election known on Thursday, political circles were abuzz with a leaked report about his New Delhi visit.

The Indian government, it appears, has no involvement in the visit. After all, New Delhi is not naive to not know that the field marshal’s winning possibility is not as high as that of National People Power leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake, who undertook a politically high octane visit at the invitation of New Delhi early this year.

However, among the events in which the field marshal is scheduled to participate is a reception held in his honour by Israel’s ambassador.

Controversial Medical Officer plunges into politics and seeks funds

The Chavakachcheri Base Hospital controversy over the appointment of the Acting Medical Officer (MO) took a different turn this week with an announcement on the outgoing Acting Medical Officer, Dr. R. Archchuna.

The former Acting MO was handed in papers this week to report to work at the Peradeniya Teaching Hospital as MO under the direct supervision of the director of the hospital, pending the preliminary investigations against him by the Health Ministry.

However, the social media-savvy doctor has some other plans—to enter into active politics. He declared this week that he is planning to engage in active politics to serve the people in the North and expose the wrongdoings of what he called the “medical mafia” in the North.

To do that, he needs funds. He requested financial support, both locally and from the Diaspora, urging supporters to deposit funds to his personal bank account after reaching out to him first since many scammers are trying to raise funds illegally using his name.

Who will win: Presidential official gives stinging reply to the question

A senior Presidential Secretariat official was attending a book launch ceremony. At the event, he met an old friend, and the friend started talking about politics and asked the usual question that most people ask these days, “What’s
happening? Can the president win?”

The senior presidential aide answered, “Either way, we are going to win. If we lose, the boss will go home and enjoy his life reading books and watching movies.
I will go to be with my grandson. And you guys will be spending the rest of your lives in queues, for rationed food, and in darkness.”

Open jeep tour for diplomats at Hotel Show

Diplomats, among whom was Deputy British High Commissioner Lisa Whanstall travelled in an open Jeep during the Colombo Hotel Show 2024 with Presidential Chief of Staff Sagala Ratnayake and the French embassy’s charge d’affaires Marie-Noelle Duris. The event that aims to raise the standards of the industry was held at the BMICH.

President’s Office turns down Cabinet minister’s vehicle request

A senior minister has requested a backup vehicle from the Presidential Secretariat for his security detail on the grounds that there is no suitable vehicle for the purpose at his own ministry.

The Cabinet minister has noted that the backup vehicle for his security had been sent for repairs and that these repairs would take some time.

There are no other vehicles in the ministry’s vehicle pool to be used as an alternative until these repairs are completed, thus placing his personal security at risk, the minister has pointed out. As such, he has requested the president’s office to allocate a vehicle from its own vehicle pool for the purpose.

At the president’s office, an official noted that the shortage of vehicles is a common problem for most ministries and government institutions owing to the prevailing vehicle import ban. Despite this, all such agencies seem to be under the impression that the president’s office has access to an infinite number of vehicles that it can release whenever a request is made.

The official said he too would become a minister if that were the case.

No pay for striking surveyors

The Survey Department’s activities have been severely hampered since January owing to trade union action launched by the Government Surveyors’ Association.

Despite discussions between the authorities and the unions, the issue remains unresolved.

It appears that the Lands Ministry Secretary Somaratne Vidanapathirana has now had enough. He has written to Surveyor General Sudath Perera, pointing out that the two of them have jointly had lengthy discussions with the striking union on three occasions during the past two months. Mr. Vidapathirana has added that he had also written to the unions on two occasions this month explaining the steps the government had taken to resolve the issues and had requested them to return to work. However, the secretary noted that the surveyors continue to stay away from work.

As such, activities at the Survey Department have been severely affected over the past six months. The Secretary has accordingly emphasised to the Surveyor General that, given this situation, it is incumbent upon him as the head of the institution to take action against those who have drawn government salaries over the past six months but have not performed their duties.

The Surveyor General has now indeed taken action. He has issued a circular to the Department’s Director (Finance) to withhold the July salaries of all government surveyors who have notified in writing that they are engaged in trade union action.

A Survey Department official said the department allocates Rs. 50 million a month to pay the salaries of government surveyors.



It was President’s brother who paid the deposit

On Friday, President Ranil Wickremesinghe was among the first four candidates to make their cash deposits to contest the presidential election.

Many media outlets, however, incorrectly reported that it was Ronald Perera, PC, who placed the cash deposit on behalf of President Wickremesinghe, who is contesting as an independent candidate.

The cash deposit on behalf of Mr. Wickremesinghe was made by Channa Wickremesinghe, the president’s brother, accompanied by Ronald Perera, PC.


RDA boss and Highways Ministry secretary on collision course

Road Development Authority (RDA) Chairman C.P. Athuluwage has tendered his resignation in protest against what he claims is undue interference in the authority’s affairs by the Secretary to the Ministry of Transport and Highways.

Mr. Athuluwage has also alleged that the Secretary was involved in an active conspiracy to create a clash between him and Transport and Highways Minister Bandula Gunawardana.

Lanka slides down world passport index

In the latest Henley Passport Index published this week, Sri Lanka is ranked 93 with 44 visa-free destinations. In 2006, the country was placed 74th.

The Henley Passport Index is considered the “original, authoritative ranking of all the world’s passports according to the number of destinations their holders can access without a prior visa. The index is based on exclusive data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA)—the largest, most accurate travel information database—and enhanced by Henley and Partners’ research team,” the report reads.

With India being placed 82nd with 58 visa-free access destinations, another South Asian neighbour, the Maldives, ranked 52nd with visa-free access to 94 destinations.

Singapore has topped the global ranking with visa-free access to 195 travel destinations out of 227 around the globe. France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Spain are in joint second place.

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