The best investment is a good night’s sleep, but if your zzz’s could use a little TLC here are some tips for you to wake up with new energy, and make insomnia-riddled nights a thing of the past. Good day-time habits Throughout the day, we can incorporate certain sleep-promoting habits that make it all the [...]


Here’s to a good night’s sleep!


The best investment is a good

night’s sleep, but if your zzz’s could use a little TLC here are some tips for you to wake up with new energy, and make insomnia-riddled nights a thing
of the past.

Good day-time habits

Throughout the day, we can incorporate certain sleep-promoting habits that make it all the easier to wind down before bed. Get sunlight in the morning. Even just 15-30 minutes outside in the sun can help you wake up and reset your circadian rhythm. While at it try to get in some movement as it can also help you fall asleep faster and feel more energized throughout the day. Walking, yoga, Pilates—anything and everything counts where sleep and stress are concerned.

Maximizing the beauty part of beauty sleep

It’s called “beauty sleep” because, as your body’s largest organ, your skin goes through a transformation while you sleep. It’s why the cardinal sin of skincare is sleeping in your makeup. And it’s why a nighttime skincare routine is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your skin health. Your skin soaks up the nourishing products you apply at night and produces natural oils.  It’s also busy repairing damage, receiving nutrients from your blood, and rejuvenating itself for the morning.

So, at a bare minimum, make sure to wash your face and apply an overnight moisturizer!


Do you go to sleep with a million thoughts milling about in your mind? A space to record and analyse your dreams, and jot down your creative ideas, is a go-to method for calming our minds and getting aligned at the start and end of each day. If you’ve ever felt restless and anxious as soon as your head hits the pillow, it’s time to start on a “Brain Dump” and get a head start on tomorrow’s to-do list.

Eat right. Sleep tight

Your diet also plays a role in how well you sleep (or how little!). As children, many of us were given a glass of milk at bedtime. This tradition is based on scientific fact—the calcium in milk helps with the production of tryptophan, which is required in the production of melatonin (a sleep hormone). Going to bed hungry makes falling asleep much harder. Eating at regular intervals and an evening meal followed by a bedtime snack can improve sleep!

Save the alcohol for celebrations

Caffeine and alcohol can have major effects on sleep so limit caffeine to before 3 p.m. It’s a common misconception that alcohol can make people fall asleep faster, it increases wake time after sleep. So, you’re actually sleeping less than you would have if you’d abstained from alcohol that night. Not to forget physical signs like skin breakouts, puffy eyes, or dark circles.

Ditch the tech

Turn off the television, power down their computer, and put your phone down at least 30 minutes before bedtime. Your brain perceives the bright blue light that your screen emits as sunlight, tricking it into putting off sleep and staying awake longer. To make it easier on yourself, take the TV out of the bedroom and charge your devices away from your bedroom. The more physical distance you put between yourself and your tech, the less tempting it is.


Another wonderful way to reduce stress and improve sleep? Meditation followed by a warm bath. Even just a few minutes can help you connect with your breath and slow your thoughts…

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