Trade unions should think before they strike Sri Lanka’s public trade unions’ objectives appear to have little to do with worker rights and more to do with political goals. With the presidential election only a few months away, the series of strikes appears politically motivated. Whether one likes this government or not, even a student [...]


Letters to the Editor


Trade unions should think before they strike

Sri Lanka’s public trade unions’ objectives appear to have little to do with worker rights and more to do with political goals. With the presidential election only a few months away, the series of strikes appears politically motivated.

Whether one likes this government or not, even a student of basic school-level economics knows at the moment the government is cash-strapped and citizens are being driven to a wall from all sides. The government unlike previously cannot print money as per IMF conditions and giving into these demands will give an opening for other unions to demand similar hikes and the government will have no choice but to raise taxes.

While it is of utmost importance to uphold workers’ rights to a decent salary, a safe work environment, and social protection measures, it is also equally important, given the crisis the country is facing, that trade unions  act responsibly in a spirit of sacrifice. These strikes will not affect the elite in society as they travel by private vehicles, go to private hospitals for treatment, and send their children to international schools and foreign universities. It’s the ordinary people – the bulk of the working class who depend on public services. Unlike the public sector the private sector has certain standards in place and the employees need to adhere to them to keep their jobs.

Therefore, they will take any risks to be at their workplaces even paying the price of falling off overcrowded trains.

Vinodini Jayawardena   Via email


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