The National Seminar,2024 organised by Sri Lanka University Catholic Students’ Movement guided by Rev.Fr. Ruwan Perera OMI, National University Chaplain & Catholic University Chaplain of University of Peradeniya, held at St. Anne’s National Shrine in Thalawila from August 23rd to 25th concluded with presence of His Excellency Rt.Rev.Dr.Raymond Wickramasinghe, the chief guest with great success, [...]


National Seminar 2024 at St. Anne’s National Shrine a Resounding Success


The National Seminar,2024 organised by Sri Lanka University Catholic Students’ Movement guided by Rev.Fr. Ruwan Perera OMI, National University Chaplain & Catholic University Chaplain of University of Peradeniya, held at St. Anne’s National Shrine in Thalawila from August 23rd to 25th concluded with presence of His Excellency Rt.Rev.Dr.Raymond Wickramasinghe, the chief guest with great success, leaving a lasting impact on all who attended.

The event, which drew participants from across the country representing all the universities, featured a series of enlightening sessions led by distinguished speakers who shared their expertise and insights. Attendees were engaged in thought-provoking discussions and workshops, enhancing their understanding of key topics. The seamless execution of the seminar was made possible by the dedicated efforts of volunteers who worked tirelessly behind the scenes. Benefactors and supporters played a crucial role in providing the resources and encouragement necessary for the seminar’s success. The collaborative spirit of everyone involved transformed the event into a memorable and inspiring experience.

The seminar fostered meaningful connections and offered valuable networking opportunities for the students. Feedback from participants highlighted the seminar’s positive impact on their professional and personal growth. The organising committee of SLUCSM  extends heartfelt gratitude to all who contributed to making the event a remarkable achievement. As the seminar concluded, attendees left with a renewed sense of purpose and enthusiasm, marking the event as a significant milestone in this year’s calendar.

Suhadini Bandara

The Secretary,

Newman Society – Catholic Students’ Movement,

University of Peradeniya.

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