The Provincial Unions affiliated to Sri Lanka Rugby (SLR), now run under the Competent Authority appointed by the former Minister of Sports Harin Fernando since May 29, are questioning the contradictory standard applied by the Asian Rugby Football Union (ARFU). This questioning comes at a time SLR is yet to come out of the temporary [...]


Provincial Unions criticise Asia Rugby’s double standards amid SLR suspension


The Provincial Unions affiliated to Sri Lanka Rugby (SLR), now run under the Competent Authority appointed by the former Minister of Sports Harin Fernando since May 29, are questioning the contradictory standard applied by the Asian Rugby Football Union (ARFU). This questioning comes at a time SLR is yet to come out of the temporary ban imposed three months ago, and when the fraternity is at a doubtful position as to where it stands.

The Provincial Unions are overwhelmed by a circular issued by the Competent Authority, Professor Shamal Fernando, the Director General of Sports Development, to seek assistance from former SLR Council Members to organise and arrange teams for the Asia Rugby Men’s 7s Challenge and Asia Rugby Women’s 7s Trophy, both taking place on October 4 and 5 in Kathmandu, Nepal and the Asia Rugby Boy’s U-18 7s taking place in Johor Baru, Malaysia on September 28 and 29.

Just as players hope and pray for victory, the rugby fraternity too anticipates a silver lining to the dark cloud they are under now

“The invitation forwarded to former SLR Council Members, includes few names that were responsible for SLR’s present state. As Council Members they failed SLR and the whole fraternity by their incapability to hold the Annual General Meeting within the required duration and by not heeding the vital points raised by its membership. It’s strange and surprising to learn that they have been now invited to oversee the selection process and other requirements of the three teams that will represent Sri Lanka in a few weeks,” quipped a senior member of the leading Provincial Union.

The two letters, issued by the Department of Sports Development on August 23, have invited Rear Admiral (Rtd) Udaya Hettiarachchi, Shane Dullawa, Kamal Mahendra, Rohan Abeykoon, all former SLR Council Members, and five technical officials attached to SLR, in addition to an official of the Schools Rugby section, for the U-18 competition.

Interestingly, in 2021, the ARFU, under its current leader Qais Abdallah Al Dhalai, suspended SLR, subsequently eliminating Sri Lanka from its usual regional commitments in the Asian Rugby 7s circuit, notably from the series that took place in Thailand, China and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Sri Lanka missed out completely from taking part in the first leg held in Thailand, but after the country’s National Olympic Committee (NOC) intervened, the islanders were permitted to compete in the remaining legs in China and the UAE under the International Olympic Committee (IOC) flag.

But at a point when SLR is not governed by a promptly appointed administration, Provincial Unions are confused as to who is fooling whom with ARFU’s evident decision to include Sri Lanka in its 7s Series, a matter that was questionable three years back. SLR’s present calamity looks set to drag on for some more time with the ejecting of Harin Fernando as the Minister of Sports, a portfolio which is now under the country’s incumbent President Ranil Wickremesinghe. It is reported that former minister Fernando, who lost his parliamentary seat, has been appointed as an advisor to the President.

“What we would like to see is a complete end to this folly. Rather than helping SLR put its house in order to run the affairs authoritatively under experts from the sport, they are making provisional arrangements to face oncoming issues, such as the upcoming Asian competitions. It’s still not late to put the house in proper order,” the official went on to say.  The Provincial Unions claim that ghosts of the past, namely a few former officials and former top portfolio holders, are still active with their agenda to take over SLR by hook or crook, an act they vehemently condemn. Seven Provincial Unions out of a total of eight, went to the length of seeking an Interim Order in the Court of Appeal, prohibiting discussing or coming to a conclusion on four subjects they identify as delicate and crucial at the SLR Special General Meeting, intended to be held on July 15.

The seven Provincial Unions – Western, Central, Uva, North Western, North Central, Eastern and Southern – sought legal assistance, claiming that the Director General of Sports Development, Professor Shamal Fernando, who was appointed as the Competent Authority by the then Minister of Sports through a gazette notification on May 29, was totally misled on the proper procedures of applying amendments to the constitution of a or any sport governing body.

“The Provincial Unions are now contemplating legal action against the Director General and the Secretary of the Ministry of Sports for their failure to conduct the SLR AGM as directed by the courts. The recent judicial decisions have bolstered our confidence, and we believe that the time has come for good governance to prevail, or for those who cannot uphold their duties to step aside,” a senior Provincial Union official voiced the collective frustration.

Interestingly SLR was the first sport association to amend its constitution in accordance to the Amended Sports Regulation adopted during the tenure of Mahindananda Aluthgamage as the Minister of Sports. The changes to the SLR Constitution were adopted upon consultation with the IOC under its Olympic Charter, as well as World Rugby (WR).

The Ministry of Sports suspended the memberships of the four associations on May 29 on the grounds that they failed to conduct the Annual General Meetings (AGM) or Elections on or before the annual cutoff date set in accordance to the country’s sports law, which is May 31 of each year.

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