Priyantha Pradeep Ranasinghe’s book “Thispan Lakshayaka rekiya Sureki, Thripashrvika Ekangathavaya” (the tripartite agreement that secured the employment of 3.5 million persons) was presented to Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena. The book written by senior journalist Priyantha Pradeep Ranasinghe and published by “Desarasa” on the historic tripartite agreement among trade unions, employers and the Ministry of Labour [...]

Sunday Times 2

Book on tripartite agreement launched


Priyantha Pradeep Ranasinghe’s book “Thispan Lakshayaka rekiya Sureki, Thripashrvika Ekangathavaya” (the tripartite agreement that secured the employment of 3.5 million persons) was presented to Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena.

The book written by senior journalist Priyantha Pradeep Ranasinghe and published by “Desarasa” on the historic tripartite agreement among trade unions, employers and the Ministry of Labour that has secured employment of 3.5 million employees in private sector during the Corona pandemic (2020-2022), was launched under the patronage of the then Minister of Labour Dinesh Gunawardena, on August 21 at the Sri Lanka Book Publishers’ Association auditorium in Battaramulla.

Mahinda Madihewa, former Secretary to the Ministry of Labour, delivered the keynote speech and a large gathering including State Minister of Labour Vadivel Suresh, State Minister of Indigenous Medicine Sisira Jayakodi, Members of Parliament A H M Fawzi and Yadamini Gunawardena, trade union leaders including W H Piyadasa, officials of the Ministry of Labour, General Secretary of Joint Apparel Association Forum Yohan Lawrence as well as officials of the Employers’ Federation of Ceylon, media representatives including senior journalists, founder of Sanasa Dr P A Kiriwandeniya, Prof Nanda Dharmarathna, and  scholars participated in this event.

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