Sunday Times 2
Sunday Observer journalist receives international award
Pic by Malisha Liyanage (NUSS)
Senior Lake House journalist Leon Berenger attached to the Sunday Observer, and former Sunday Times staffer, received an international maritime award for his media contributions to the welfare of workers both in Sri Lanka and overseas earlier this week.
Berenger has been covering developments of the National Union of Seafarers Sri Lanka (NUSS) and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITWF) that is headquartered in London for the past one and a half decades and for several national newspapers.
NUSS and its affiliate the ITF work towards the welfare and safety of sea workers all over the globe. Together they have a membership of an estimated 16.5 million marine workers attached to 74 unions across 144 countries.
Picture shows NUSS president Palitha Atukorale presenting award to Leon Berenger.