The Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment is in the news for all the wrong reasons. Almost all stakeholders, including migrant workers, foreign employment agencies, civil society activists etc are complaining that their ‘complaints’ over the years haven’t been addressed by the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE). “They take years to reply to [...]

Business Times

SLBFE inundated with unattended complaints


The Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment is in the news for all the wrong reasons.

Almost all stakeholders, including migrant workers, foreign employment agencies, civil society activists etc are complaining that their ‘complaints’ over the years haven’t been addressed by the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE).

“They take years to reply to complaints. We are aware that files and files of complaints are being stacked at the Bureau. When we complain to the ministers, they say that they need time to study these areas. However, by the time they’re done, the ministers are changed,” one civil society activist told The Sunday Times Business.

P.P.Weerasekara, Additional General Manager (Local Affairs) who is also the information officer at SLBFE acknowledged to the Sunday Times Business on Thursday that the Bureau has got a few thousand complaints. “We are receiving complaints from 25 centres around the country. We are involving foreign missions, our embassies overseas, officials from the host countries of the migrant workers etc. We are solving these issues and it’s a long process,” Mr. Weerasekara said.

However, some migrant workers have complained that despite the specialised Complete Complaint Handling Unit established by the Bureau to address grievances and provide timely and appropriate solutions, it is not done.

The Conciliation Division of the SLBFE, Labour Sections of the Sri Lanka Diplomatic Missions in the respective countries accepts complaints received from or on behalf of the migrant workers. A registered migrant worker or a person who acts on his / her behalf could complain to the SLBFE’s Head Office, a Local Branch Office or the Labour Section of the Sri Lanka Diplomatic Mission in the respective country.

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