The intervention of the Planters’ Association of Ceylon (PA) via the Supreme Court on the festering wage hike for workers in plantations has led to a reasonable solution, it was stated at its 170th Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on September 14 in Colombo. The AGM witnessed the formal handover of leadership from outgoing Chairman, [...]

Business Times

Sri Lankan planters chart course for sustainable future


The intervention of the Planters’ Association of Ceylon (PA) via the Supreme Court on the festering wage hike for workers in plantations has led to a reasonable solution, it was stated at its 170th Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on September 14 in Colombo.

The AGM witnessed the formal handover of leadership from outgoing Chairman, Senaka Alawattegama, to Sunil Poholiyadde, who assumes the role for his second term. The transition comes at a critical juncture for the industry, facing significant challenges and opportunities.

PA Secretary General - Lalith Obeyesekere, Chairman - Sunil Poholiyadde and Deputy Chairman - Shanaka Samaradiwakara.

In his final address, Mr. Alawattegama reflected on the substantial progress made during his tenure, notably the successful resolution of long-standing wage negotiations. He highlighted the introduction of a new wage structure that includes a daily minimum wage of Rs. 1,350 and a productivity-linked component of Rs. 50 per kilogram. This achievement, he noted, represents a significant victory for both workers and Regional Plantation Companies (RPCs), accomplished despite considerable challenges and pressures.

“As we move forward, decisions related to wages and policies must be made with the best interests of the entire industry—including workers—at heart,” he said. “We must ensure that our industry remains affordable and sustainable so that it can thrive for generations to come.”

Taking over the helm, Mr. Poholiyadde outlined his vision for the future while commending the industry’s collective resilience in successfully navigating the recent wage crisis, which had been considered a potential existential threat to the industry.

“On May 1st, 2024, a proposed wage increase to Rs. 1,700—a 70% hike—threatened to cripple our industry,” Mr. Poholiyadde remarked. “Recognising the gravity of the situation, the PA took unprecedented steps, including legal action up to the Supreme Court. Our persistent efforts resulted in a more sustainable wage agreement, a testament to what we can achieve when we unite.”

He said: “We must embrace innovation to sustain our industry. Mechanisation can provide relief, especially with our diminishing labour force.”

Addressing the pressing issue of diversification, he noted that agribusiness cannot be successful without adapting to climate change. “We initiated diversification into crops like oil palm and rubber but faced policy setbacks that halted progress,” he explained. “It’s imperative that we uphold the spirit of privatisation by exercising our rights and ensuring authorities respect the agreements made during that time.”

During the event, the PA and its membership conferred lifetime membership on two of the industry’s leading luminaries, Jayantissa Ratwatte and Malin Goonetilike in recognition of their lifetime services to the association and the plantation industry.

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