By Kevin De Alwis There has been much less poll-related violence compared with the previous presidential elections, based on observations by monitoring organisations and the election regulator. The Election Commission in its latest report on Thursday, said that from July 31 to September 19, 34 violent incidents were recorded, while the People’s Action for Free [...]


Lower level of violent incidents, so far


By Kevin De Alwis

There has been much less poll-related violence compared with the previous presidential elections, based on observations by monitoring organisations and the election regulator.

The Election Commission in its latest report on Thursday, said that from July 31 to September 19, 34 violent incidents were recorded, while the People’s Action for Free and Fair Elections (PAFFREL) recorded 87 violent acts up to September 18.

The PAFFREL in 2015, had reported 273 incidents and 76 in the 2019 presidential elections.

The Election Commission set up Election Dispute Resolution Centres at each District Secretariat to look into complaints. Pic by M.A. Pushpa Kumara

In 2015, more than 540 incidents, including a murder, one attempted murder, 64 assaults, 11 cases of arson, and 17 instances of property damage, among others, had been recorded by the Centre for Monitoring Election Violence (CMEV) by the time campaigns ended.

Deputy Inspector General of Police Nihal Thalduwa, the police spokesman, said the Election Commission’s involvement has helped reduce violent incidents.

He said that the EC has, along with the police, ensured the law was enforced.

DIG Nihal Thalduwa

Voters being able to understand the situations and the details more efficiently have also been important factors in reduced violence.

DIG Thalduwa said the people’s understanding has increased significantly mainly due to educational campaigns by various government and private organisations.

PAFFREL’s executive director, Rohana Hettiarachchi, said election-related violence has dropped due to continuing campaigns.

PAFFREL's executive director, Rohana Hettiarachchi,

Mr. Hettiarachchi said: “In the past, during elections, there were times where 40 to 50 deaths were recorded with the use of weapons and a high number of other incidents, such as arson, and attempted shootings. The last major incident in the history of violent acts was in the 2001 parliamentary election, where seven lost their lives in the same location.’’

Other election observation organisations, the police, and the media have helped over the years to keep voters more informed, Mr. Hettiarachchi said.

He said the reduced level of violence has accompanied a shift in campaigning.

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