Court of Appeal Judge Sobhitha Rajakaruna, delivering the convocation speech at the General Convocation of the University of Colombo, said accountability, transparency, integrity, honesty, good governance, and public trust which may be considered the core principles of the rule of law, are crucial to preventing its breakdown. “In my view, the true meaning of these [...]


“Success is not just about what you achieve for yourself; it is about what you give to others”


Court of Appeal Judge Sobhitha Rajakaruna, delivering the convocation speech at the General Convocation of the University of Colombo, said accountability, transparency, integrity, honesty, good governance, and public trust which may be considered the core principles of the rule of law, are crucial to preventing its breakdown.

“In my view, the true meaning of these values must be deeply ingrained in the hearts of citizens, guiding their actions with genuine conscience,” Justice Rajakaruna said at the BMICH on Tuesday.

Court of Appeal Judge Sobhitha Rajakaruna

“If your conscience is not genuine; if your hands are not clean; if you don’t act/talk/think with good faith, there is no purpose of chanting those appealing words from sunrise to sunset at various platforms. No matter how much you change your surroundings, it will be ineffective unless you also change your mindset to act in line with your good conscience,” he said.

“I encourage you to dream bigger. Don’t settle for the comfort of what you already know, but welcome the uncertainties ahead. To take risks, to be bold, and to trust in your ability to make a difference or rather have faith in your power to create change,” he said.

Excerpts of the speech:

“Whether you are leaving with a degree in Law, Nursing, Agro Technology or any other field, you are stepping into a world that needs your vision, your talent, and your sense of justice and fairness.

Graduation is not just a ceremonial passage; it is a symbol of all the hard work, determination, and strength that have brought you to this point. But as much as it is about celebrating your achievements, it is also about looking forward – to the lives you will lead, the challenges you will face, and the opportunities you will seize.

You are about to step into a world that is complex, dynamic, and sometimes daunting. And yet, as I look out at all of you today, I feel nothing but “hope”. “Hope” – because of the immense potential sitting in this hall. “Hope” – because you, our future leaders, innovators, thinkers, and creators who have the power for formation of a better world.

You have already proven that you can meet the demands of academia. You have gained knowledge, sharpened your skills, and prepared yourselves for a career. But life is not a series of textbooks or exams. It is far more unpredictable, far more complex. And that is where your character, your resilience, and your sense of purpose will matter the most.

This prestigious University has provided you with knowledge, but it is your wisdom and character that will make the greatest difference. I need to stress here that ‘wisdom’ enlightens character’ and that ‘character’ enlightens ‘wisdom’. In the Pali language it is described as “apadana sobhini panchchca”.

I have seen firsthand how crucial education is in ensuring justice, equality, and opportunity for all. It’s not just about what you know, but about how you apply that knowledge to better society. Your degrees are not just personal achievements, they are tools for service. With them, you carry the potential to contribute meaningfully to your communities and the world at large.

Graduation is not the end of learning; rather, it is the beginning of a new chapter. Life, like the law, is ever-changing, demanding continued growth and adaptation. The values you have learned here – critical thinking, ethical reasoning, respect for diversity, and the pursuit of excellence – will be your compass in navigating the complexities of the world ahead.

Your education has given you the tools you need to excel, but it is your inner compass that will guide you through the unexpected twists and turns ahead. That is shaped by your integrity, your compassion, and your courage to stand up for what is right, even when it is difficult.

I am deeply aware of the weight of responsibility, the importance of integrity, and the value of education in shaping our society. These are principles that will guide you, throughout your personal and professional lives. It is my honour and privilege to stand before you as a member of the higher Judiciary of the Country, but more importantly, as someone who deeply believes in the power of education to transform not just individuals, but society itself.

If I could give you one piece of advice as you embark on this next chapter, it would be this:

Pursue purpose over perfection or rather honesty in purpose. In a world that often pushes us to chase accolades, titles, and external validation, remember that real fulfillment comes from living with intention, with integrity, and with a desire to make a difference.

In my years in the official Bar and on the bench, I have learned that justice is not simply a matter of rules and procedures; it is about the relentless pursuit of fairness and truth. In every decision we make, we shape the society we want to live in. Similarly, in your professions, whether in the courtroom, boardroom, hospital, or laboratory, your decisions will ripple out and affect lives in ways you may never fully realise.

I urge you, as you go forth, to not only seek success but to seek significance. Let your achievements lift others. Let your careers be driven by purpose as much as by ambition. This is the essence of leadership, and it is the kind of leadership our world so desperately needs.

I have no doubt that many of you will go on to achieve incredible things in the future. Some of you will start companies, heal patients, argue cases, write books, or develop new technologies. But remember: true success is not a destination – it is a journey. It is the everyday choices you make, the values you stand by, and the people you lift along the way that will ultimately define the quality of your life and career.

You see, success is not just about what you achieve for yourself; it is about what you give to others. It is about how you use the talents you’ve been given, the knowledge you’ve earned, and the opportunities you’ve been granted to create positive change. Whether you are entering the world of law, business, healthcare, technology, the arts, or any other field, the question you should ask yourself is not just “What can I achieve?” but “How can I contribute?”

- Ranjith Padmasiri


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