“Fruits of Virtue and of Knowledge, Here we gather , Peace and Power………………….” An inexplicable joy fills my heart in penning down my thoughts  on the “Hall of Fame, Educational Institute in our Motherland. St.Joseph’s College, Colombo 10,  the Hallowed Educational Institution in Sri Lanka, has excelled   far beyond expectations in Producing multi-talented Josephians who [...]


Tribute to the Josephian Teachers and Marching Steadily towards the129th Anniversary Celebration


“Fruits of Virtue and of Knowledge,

Here we gather , Peace and Power………………….”

An inexplicable joy fills my heart in penning down my thoughts  on the “Hall of Fame, Educational Institute in our Motherland.

St.Joseph’s College, Colombo 10,  the Hallowed Educational Institution in Sri Lanka, has excelled   far beyond expectations in Producing multi-talented Josephians who are proficient in Education, Sports,  Spiritual life ,Community Service  besides Serving the Motherland  and universe at large since its inception.

Having proven itself throughout the years, the College stands tall as one of the leading Educational Institutions in Sri Lanka.

The College, from very inception, has produced exemplary leaders to society. The atmosphere in the institution inspires and encourages students to equip themselves to confront great challenges which help them to stand out from others.

The motto of the College has always been to uphold excellence in body, mind and spirit, giving priority to value-based education, thus fostering spiritual and human values.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit.

“Quality, Standards, Innovation and Leadership” are synonyms for St.Joseph’s College, Colombo10.

Josephians have created  ideas that changed the way people live, learn, work,pray and play.

With justifiable pride it is recorded that during its glorious existence of 128 years, the College has imparted education in its broad sense thus producing a galaxy of Josephians who are a pride to our beloved Sri Lanka.

We are at a pivotal point in the Josephians rich history. We are greatly indebted to our past 13 Eminent  Rectors, the Chief Shepherd and Eminent Present Rector, Reverend Father Ranjith Andradi and all our  respected Reverend Fathers, Reverend Sisters, Pedagogues and Teachers, past and the present, who have dedicated  their lives in moulding us as good citizens, by inspiring and guiding us  for what we are today.

We can best pay our own debt to our Alma Mater by building a better future for the new generations, on the framework our forebears established.

Let us get together and strive to build a better nation with “Vision and Action”.

Most importantly, we have gathered  “ Education for Life” under their coaching and guidance of our distinguished Educators at St.Joseph’s College, Colombo 10. They have motivated us to to work for the value of peace, harmony, forgiveness, brotherhood and love.  They have taught us to be compassionate, God loving, do things wholeheartedly  and to lead a heart – centered Life. They have  inculcated the values of Discipline, Determination, Dedication, Devotion, creativity, punctuality, team work, respecting the superiors, Teachers and Parents and formed the character in us.

We were also taught by the great personalities  to “Colour inside the lines” which has made us to uphold moral, ethical, social,cultural and spiritual values besides being law abiding citizens.

We have also learnt  the Virtues, such as prudence, benevolence, magnificence, magnanimity, deep honesty, moral courage, compassion and care, integrity, friendliness, fairness,

self control, obedience, creative thinking ,good timing and deep selflessness from our Reverend Father Rectors, teachers and Parents.

Ultimately and eventually the Josephians have gained knowledge, skills, experience, maturity, mastery and Wisdom for which we are grateful to our Reverend Father Rectors and Teachers, past and the present, at St.Joseph’s College, Colombo10.

Hence, as Josephians we are greatly indebted to the Reverend Father Rectors, Pedagogues, Educators and Teachers past and the present and delighted to pay our tributes to them on this “ World Teachers’ Day”.


Dear Respected Pedagogues, Teachers and Parents,

“Thank you seems too short a word to express our gratitude to your good selves who have taught us.

We are unusually indebted to our Parents, Rev.Fr.Rectors and Teachers , past and the present who

have inspired, guided and moulded  us, as worthy citizens of our Motherland.

Much of our accomplishments in our lives have come from our association with your good selves. You have provide constant enthusiastic encouragement and advice besides enhancing our knowledge.

You are the amasing teachers and you only deserve the best. You are our sunshine and you have brightened our whole lives. You have sacrificed your good selves like  “burning candles” and you have enabled us to travel through our  life  pathways. You have acted as the “sign posts “and showed us the exact directions for our lives.

You have been a “light house” and helped us in our journey of life. You have been shining like “lamps” and expelled darkness (ignorance) from us and provided Knowledge, Skills, Attitude and inculcated those attitudes as habits. You have been the “great sculptors” who have crafted the Josephians  as unique sculpture.We admire your dedication, discipline and determination given to your work and instilling the same values in us. Your work with painstaking precision, has produced a galaxy of multi-talented Josephians who are great assets to this world.  You have made us to be efficient and effective thereby producing productive citizens to the nation and universe.

You have made your students to become dynamic, exemplary and visionary leaders. You have taught us to have vision, mission, goals, objectives and Values for our lives.

You are the “renowned educators” who have “transformed our lives”. You are our “ Great Heroes” and we salute for your untiring and relentless endeavours which resulted in developing us as  “ Ideal Josephians”. What we have learnt from your good selves have given us guidance and strength so long and will guide us throughout our lives.

Words are insufficient to show our appreciations for your kindness, patience, commitment  and devotion to teachings. The yeomen service that you have rendered will be remembered by us forever.

We are deeply thankful to your good selves, for imparting knowledge and inculcating values in us.

Our gratitude to your good selves will be life long.

We as  Josephians young and old, are humbled, honoured and privileged to have your good selves as our treasured Teachers.

On this International Teachers’ day, we wish your good selves success, joy, serenity, tranquility  peace and good health now and throughout your lives.

My special wishes go out to the President and members of the Past Teachers’ Association and the Teachers’ Guild of  St.Joseph’s College, Colombo10 , who are living locally and globally, on this world Teachers’ Day.

“May Almighty God Bless your good selves, your families and  Noblest work forever”.

“May St.Joseph’s College, Colombo 10, which has maintained the highest Standards in Education, Sports, Discipline and Character building for 128 years, go forward from strength to strength for many more centuries.”

“May this Citadel of Educational Institutions in Sri Lanka, for Wisdom and Mastery, continue to be the tower of strength and guiding  star and light to the Josephians  and render its relentless service to many more generations to come, till the mountains disappear “.

“ St.Joeph dear, who never fails to aid us in every needy hour, we praise and thank thee”.

Maruthai Ravindhiran was the Former Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of the Blue & White Newsletter Committee,  An Editorial Board Member of the Blue & White Centenary and Millennium  Magazine Committee of the Old Boys’ Union, St.Joseph’s College, Colombo 10  and a former member of the Association of the “Josephian Blues”.

Presently, Ravindhiran is a Professional Communication and Group Communication Specialist, Inspirational Writer and Speaker and a  Life Transformational and Life Management Coach. He is also working as the Media-Advisor and Editor-in-Chief of St.Joseph’s College, Colombo 10.


- Maruthai Ravindhiran

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