“INSPIRATIONAL COACHING AND GUIDANCE By : Maruthai Ravindhiran Positive thinking and Positive attitudes are of paramount  importance to “students”. However, the recent economical crisis, along with the other contributing factors have made a negative impact on students thinking patterns. Negative thinking is defined as, “ a tendency to be downbeat, disagreeable and skeptical”. Negative thoughts [...]


Positive Thinking – The Ultimate Driving Force To Reach Your Goals And Objectives In Work And Life



Positive thinking and Positive attitudes are of paramount  importance to “students”.

However, the recent economical crisis, along with the other contributing factors have made a negative impact on students thinking patterns.

Negative thinking is defined as, “ a tendency to be downbeat, disagreeable and skeptical”. Negative thoughts can take over all aspects of students lives. They can affect our memory and relationships with others and classroom performances, cause low self-esteem and make it harder to get through our day.

Negative thinking is likely to cause massive amount of Stress. While, stress might be common in daily life, people experiencing negative thinking are more prone to facing excessive stress, even with the smallest problem.

Negative thinking causes people to feel stressed about anything and everything.



First and foremost speak to the negative thoughts and try to find out the “root cause of the problem”.  Ask yourself the following questions, whenever you need to overcome negative thinking;

•  Is there any other way of looking at your situation?,  Is there any other explanation?, How would someone else, like a friend think about the situation? or What would you tell a friend who had the same experience.

It is always advisable to seek out help when facing problems to avoid complications in your life.

If your friends cannot resolve your problem, then you need to speak to your parents, elders and teachers and the mentor.Iam sure that they will definitely assist you to overcome your problems, in life. Even after leaving your school, “maintain the relationship with your teachers” as they are your “treasure trove”, in life.

Hence, believe that you can overcome any problem or difficulty or obstacle in your life, with the blessings of your parents, elders, Rev.Fr. Rector’s, Principal’s , Deputy Principal’s, Sectional Heads and teachers to reach greater heights in your student career and life.

Go inside

This means, find out “your real self”. Ask the question, “Who am I”. Meditation and mind fullness will greatly assist you to find the answer for this question. To start your journeyin meditation, ask the following questions;

Why?, why not?, why me?, why not me ? and why not me, now?

The above questions need to be answered not only for meditation, rather we should make our students to ask these questions, whenever  we assign them with a task.

Virtually,It is also good for everyone who want to stay positive, to ask these questions, in order to succeed in life including for leaders, teachers, students, employers, employees and parents.

Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is a mental attitude in which you expect good and favourable results. In other words, Positive thinking is the process of creating thoughts that create and transform energy into reality. A Positive mind waits for happiness, health, success and happy ending in any situation.

In my opinion, positive thinking, is the practice of focusing on the good in any given situation. It is about looking for the “silver lining” and maintaining a “hopeful attitude”, even when things are tough.

Also, I strongly believe that Positive thinking,“creates energy”,” improve your thinking and memory”,“ improves quality”, “improves productivity “ and “attract friends” and “ helps you to successfully pass your examinations at school and outside.

Positive thinking is very beneficial for your mental health primarily because it eliminates any form of paranoia and negative thoughts that can cause depression and stress.The process is actually a domino effect in terms of  your overall health. Positive thinking also helps to have a better coping skills during hardships and times of stress. When you think positively you will feel happier and more contented with your life.

So, be happy and contented with who you are, what you have ,wherever you are now and whatever you are doing now.

“Positive thinking also increases your life span”.Hence, always focus on positive thinking to prosper in life.

Find True Happiness

You may think that the “True happiness”  is in wealth, name, fame, recognition and rewards that you get. But True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence about the future. For genuine and long lasting happiness, eliminate negative attitudes, adopt positive attitudes, serve the needy,  reconnect with your true nature or inner self.


“Happiness is an inner state of well-being which enables you to profit from your highest thoughts, wisdom, intelligence, common sense, emotions, health and spiritual values in our life,”

“Happiness is like playing a violin, it has to be practiced continuously to play the instrument in a perfect manner. Happiness actually improves various aspects of our lives..

•  Happiness is good for our health; Happy people are less likely to fall sick, and they live longer

•  Happiness is good for our relationships with others; Happy  people are more likely to get married and have fulfilling married life, and they tend to have more friends.

•  Happy people earn more money and are more productive at work.

•  Happy people are more generous.

•  Happy people cope batter in the event of stress & trauma

•  Happy people are more creative and are better able to see a better picture.

I have learnt that roughly 50 percent of happiness is determined by our genes and 10 percent by our life circumstance, but 40 percent depends on our daily activities. How then, you find happiness not in riches, recognition, relationships, cigarettes, alcohol or recreational drugs, but in readjusted mental attitudes.

With my 33 years of experience in training and inspiring students, parents, employers and employees,  let me provide you with my recommendations on the keys to joyful living. Joy is more than happiness, just as happiness more than pleasure. Pleasure is in the body. Happiness is in the mind and feelings. Joy is deep in the heart, the spirit, the center of the self. The way to pleasure is power and prudence. The way to happiness is moral goodness. The way to joy is sanctity, loving god with your whole heart and your neighbor as yourself. Everyone wants pleasure, more deeply Everyone wants happiness, most deeply, everyone wants joy.

Joy – is a state of mind and an orientation of the heart. It is a settled state of contentment, confidence & hope.

My Recommendations for Joyful Living are given below;

1.   Be simple

2.   Be humble

3.   Build better relationships

4.   Forgive & Forget

5.   Give thanks

6.   Practice kindness

7.   Prioritise your  work

8.   Get physical exercise

9.   Give Respect to others

10.  Take rest

11.  Do not multitask at all times

12.  Pay attention to detail of the task

13.  Spend your leisure time wisely

14.  Do not focus on material wealth

15.  Have positive attitude towards life

16.  Have implicit faith in God

17.  Lead a spiritual life

18.  Enjoy your hobbies

19.  Engage yourself in community                                                   & social activities

20.  Constantly motivate yourself

21.  Engage in religious activities regularly

22.  Lead a healthy life

23.  Save for the rainy day

24.  Help others

25.  Donate to the needy

26.  Eat healthy foods

27.  Do not smoke

28.  Do not consume Alcohol

29.  Do not use narcotic drugs

30.  Balance your family and work life

31.  Practice mindfulness

32.  Practice positive thinking

33.  Have positive mental attitude

34.  Be willing to change

35.  Do not procrastinate

36.  Be patient

37.  Be punctual

38.  Meditate

39.  Control your anger

40.  Should you be suffering from any                                              aliments seek medical advice regularly

41.  Spend quality time with your family

42.  Focus on quality & not quantity

43.  Enjoy your holidays

44.  Treat your work as “sacred”.

45.  Build and develop Network

46.  Be True to your self

47.  Under promise and over deliver

48.  Be Genuine

49.  Be Modest

50.  Service and sacrifice


Pray regularly with your family members to benefit the country,society, relatives, friends, family and you,in that order. Should you lead a spiritual life you will  gain maturity and wisdom as well as to have the following;

Better health, less tension,less stress even during difficult times, more positive feelings,less depression, Greater psychological well being and superior ability to handle stress.

Be Motivated & Inspired

When you have the general desire or willingness to do something that is called as Motivation. Though you think motivation comes from outside, it is fundamentally an “Inside Out “ matter and not “Outside In” matter. Inspiration essentially means those rare moments and emotions of your life that you felt after being touched by a particular phenomena, thing or activity. You may be inspired by working, reading, “Time alone” or “MeTime”,Listening to good music,Exercise, Rendering your Voluntary services to your Community and the needy, Writing and maintaining a “Gratitude Journal”, Having a Vision and getting closer or even reaching your Vision, meeting your requirements and competing with your self. This means you should  endeavour to do today’s work, even better than in the past, to be precise, yesterday.


Focus on your “Work” , as it is sacred. Always, perform the duties that are entrusted to you, wholeheartedly. Always share your knowledge and experience with your friends. Be obedient to your teachers, parents, elders and school administrators.

My secret mantras for your student career are“Responsibility“,“Respect “ and “Obedience “.

Always, strive for excellence.

In my experience, the rewards for your “Laborious work” will come to you, sooner or later by the grace of God.


In order to reap the benefits of all Of the above mentioned messages, I appeal you not to have wishful thinking, but Comprehensive Planning and execution of the plan, that are vital for success.

Always , “believe in God”, “believe in your self” and “ believe in your destiny “.

Have a mentor. Practice gratitude. Engage in positive self-talk. Pray three times a day. When praying focus on God for “who he is” and not “what he can do for you”.

Remember to laugh. Identify areas of improvement. Respect your teachers, parents, elders and school authorities. Spend time with Positive people. Develop Morning and evening routines. Enjoy your friendships and school life.Always think positive! That is one side of the coin. Also, be active!

Do not surrender your self to fate.

Change your gears.

Believe in God.

Finally, take care of your physical, mental, (emotional )and spiritual health.

Then perhaps “reaching the pinnacle of success”in your student career and life could be a reality.

Positive thinking is the ultimate driving force to reach your goals and objectives in life.

Stay Positive and Stay Active!

Work laboriously to realise your dreams and translate your vision to reality.

Maruthai Ravindhiranhas followed the Postgraduate Diploma in Gender and Health(PGDipGH) at the Faculty of Medicine  University of Colombo.

Ravindhiran is a Life Transformational and Life Management Coach.

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