The journey of BMS Campus with a humble beginning has evolved into an institution of academic excellence, fostering innovation, creating and shaping the future of next generation leaders. BMS vision of transforming lives and influencing the future is the guiding force behind the success. One of the hallmarks of the BMS Campus has been its [...]


BMS Campus celebrates Silver Jubilee 25 years of Legacy in Higher Education


Head Table: (L to R) Dr Pradeep Wijesinghe, Director of De Soysa Hospital for Women, Dr Gamini Samaranayake, Vice-President, BMS Campus, Dr W A Wijewardena, President, BMS Campus, Mr Thushan Amarasuriya, CEO/Managing Director, Singer Finance PLC and Dr Mathi Kandiah, Dean School of Science, BMS Campus.

The journey of BMS Campus with a humble beginning has evolved into an institution of academic excellence, fostering innovation, creating and shaping the future of next generation leaders. BMS vision of transforming lives and influencing the future is the guiding force behind the success. One of the hallmarks of the BMS Campus has been its commitment to academic rigour, relevance and learning practices to meet changing needs of the students, industry and society.

Transformed Teaching

BMS has transformed the teaching process as interesting, interactive and impactful   and created a learning environment for students to be happy to embrace the new knowledge. The 25 year experience shows that the happy students learn better and perform their best. BMS Campus is a Degree Awarding Institution in terms of the Universities Act of Sri Lanka and recognised by Ministry of Education to offer approved Degree programmes including the interest free loan scheme.

Local and Global Awards

BMS Campus has been honoured with local and global awards and commendations for good practices from our partner universities and professional bodies. It includes BTEC Award (Bronze) International Institute of the Year 2022 which is the first award achieved by an institute in Sri Lanka competing with more than hundred BTEC centres around the world, South-Asian Business Excellence Award 2022 – The Best Institute for Academic and Industry Interface. BMS Campus and Northumbria University is the longest TNE Partnership in Sri Lanka which produced thousands of graduates, and the partnership has been recorded as a case study in the British Council Sri Lanka TNE Research Report 2024.

Globally Accredited Degrees

BMS and Northumbria University partnership has brought Business and Management Degrees from AACSB accredited institution which is generally classified within the top 5% of the Business Schools in in the world. British Council Sri Lanka Director,  Mr Orlando Edwards in his message to BMS Learner Magazine 2024 said, that BMS paves the way for future generations to access high quality UK higher education in Sri Lanka. Teesside University, UK and BMS are collaborating to train and support young Sri Lankan managers with MBA in Digital Transformation and MSc Digital Marketing.

Developing Scientists

BMS Campus was the first non-state higher education institution to provide access to studies towards the Degrees in Biomedical Science, Biotechnology, Medical Biotechnology and Food Science. It has immensely supported local biology stream students to discover their careers as scientists and biotechnologists which became emerging trend in advanced countries after the global pandemic. The Higher Diploma and the Degree in Biomedical Science and Biotechnology are accredited and approved by the professional bodies such as Royal Society of Biology and Institute of Biomedical Science, UK. The accreditation demonstrates the academic standards and recognition globally. We have been requesting for the professional scientists to be developed in Sri Lanka which can be included as a professions within the medical ordinance to create the new profession which is in demand globally.

Research Culture

We are proud to announce that two of our graduates joined as research assistants – one is at University of Cambridge and another at Oxford University. In the next phase of innovative degree programmes, BMS Campus will offer a Masters Degree in Cancer and Molecular Diagnostics in association with Teesside University, UK.BMS plays a ground-breaking role in the creation and dissemination of knowledge by promoting research culture and fostering an aptitude for research in their students and staff members. BMS Journal of Applied Learning is published twice a year with research work from students and staff members and the second Research Symposium is to be held next week with participation of international researchers from the partner universities.

Collaboration with National Universities

BMS has been in the forefront of collaborations with national universities and as a part of the beyond business theme, facilitated joint research opportunities for Northumbria University, named as the Modern University of the Year 2025 and Postgraduate Institute of Management. Institute of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology & Biotechnology (IBMBB)of University of Colombo and Northumbria University are exploring joint award for Masters Degree in Medical Biotechnology. Senior Professor Pathmalal Manage, Vice Chancellor of Sri Jayewardenepura University, his message to BMS Learner Magazine 2024 said, ‘BMS Campus has now developed the model to associate with national universities and benefit from the expertise and resources to provide their students great learning experience.’

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