By Minaza Hassan  A notice was issued recently by the Western Province Provincial Road Passenger Transport Authority (WP-PRPTA) highlighting fare regulations for three-wheelers in the Western Province, but implementation has been found wanting. According to Jeevinda Keerthiratna, the head of Three-Wheeler Bureau of the Western Province Road Passenger Transport Authority, steps have been taken to [...]


Regulator promises to impose tuk tuk fares


By Minaza Hassan 

A notice was issued recently by the Western Province Provincial Road Passenger Transport Authority (WP-PRPTA) highlighting fare regulations for three-wheelers in the Western Province, but implementation has been found wanting.

According to Jeevinda Keerthiratna, the head of Three-Wheeler Bureau of the Western Province Road Passenger Transport Authority, steps have been taken to implement the notice. “We have set certain examinations in coordination with the police to review the fares, and this has been done in certain areas. But, the process is slow due to the election season,’’ said Mr. Keerthiratna.

The notice issued in June by the WP-PRPTA is practiced to a certain extent despite the limitations in the current circumstances, explained Mr. Keerthiratna.

He said that if the new fares are not being followed and if a passenger has been overcharged, a complaint may be made to the police or to the Western Province Road Passenger Transport Authority.

There are no laws to regulate three-wheel fares in Sri Lanka, said the chairman of the All-Island Three-Wheelers’ Association, Lalith Dharmasekara.

However, he noted, in 2013 a gazette notice was issued to regulate three-wheelers and it identified a fare review committee as per s.17(1)), and a meter was required. The specifications were also to be reviewed to ensure that the meters would not be rigged.

“Every taxi meter fitted to the motor tricycle shall be examined by the Commissioner-General or an authorised officer once at least every twelve months, or earlier if the seals are removed for any repairs or adjustments. A calibration certificate shall be issued by Commissioner-General or an officer authorized by the Commissioner-General”–  (S.15 (5), The Motor Traffic (Motor Tricycle) Regulations No. 01 of 2013, Gazette Extraordinary No. 1821/31 of July 31, 2013).

If the new fares are not being followed and if a passenger has been overcharged, a complaint may be made to the police or to the Western Province Road Passenger Transport Authority. Pix by Nilan Maligaspe

However, this gazette was not implemented.

After much pressure, a gazette was introduced in 2017, rescinding the gazette of 2013. Despite highlighting certain important regulations, the gazette of 2017 did not menation a fare review committee or examinations of meters, said Mr. Dharmasekara.

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