NOC calls sudden SGA to ‘camouflage’ EC decision

NOC's Ethics Committee has called for the immediate suspension of it's Secretary General Maxwell de Silva
Under pressure following its Ethics Committee’s call for an immediate suspension of Maxwell de Silva, the Secretary General of the National Olympic Committee (NOC), de Silva and his proxies have ignited a significant controversy by calling for an immediate Special General Assembly (SGA) on November 29, 2024.
This was after eight Executive Committee members, who have turned a blind-eye to Ethics Committee’s call, requested for an immediate SGA. Following the request, NOC Secretary General this week, issued notice for a SGA on November 29 to update the general membership on the current situation of NOC Sri Lanka and consensus of General Membership and the way forward.
This however, has been met with scepticism from President Suresh Subramaniam, who questions the necessity of convening the assembly at this time. Addressing the resolution, Subramaniam characterised the circumstances surrounding the call for an SGA as ‘extremely vague’, arguing that the board has adequately addressed concerns through the recently established Ethics Committee.
This committee is currently investigating allegations of misconduct involving certain Executive Board (EB) members, some of which predate the NOC President’s tenure.
Despite previous discussions at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2023, where National Federations expressed worries about transparency and accountability within the EB, the NOC President has noted a lack of follow-up communication from these federations regarding the alleged issues. He emphasised that without documented concerns, the motion for an SGA appears to be driven by a hidden agenda.
The NOC President underscored the procedural requirement to hold an AGM by December 31, 2024, suggesting that any pertinent issues should be addressed in that forum, where all National Federations will be present. He also clarified the constitutional stipulations surrounding the timing of EB elections, which are not due until late 2025.
Adding to the drama, the President highlighted a recommendation from the Ethics Committee to suspend the current Secretary General pending investigations into alleged unethical conduct and misappropriation. He pointed out the irony of some resolution signatories resisting this recommendation while simultaneously questioning the EB’s functionality.
He reiterated his commitment to ensuring that the NOC operates with integrity, accountability, and transparency and expressed willingness to participate in the proposed SGA, framing it as an opportunity to advance his goals of governance reform within the organisation.
An investigation was conducted by a three-member committee headed by the Director General of Sports, which highlighted various malpractices dating back to Rio Olympics. The investigation report highlighted a confirmed government audit that both the then President Hemasiri Fernando and the incumbent Secretary General Maxwell de Silva claimed USD 10,000 each for travel and accommodation during the Rio Olympics in 2016, despite already receiving compensation from the International Olympics Committee on March 14, 2016.
The unlawfully withdrawn excess duplicate funds that were kept with them were only returned by the former on April 6 of 2017 after over one year had elapsed and by the latter on December 4 of 2017, after well over one year and nine months had elapsed. These are clear cases of misappropriation of funds.
The Ethics Committee’s call for the suspension of NOC secretary general was based on this report.